/* */ //#include"shapes.inc" //#include"shapes2.inc" //#include"functions.inc" //#include"math.inc" #include"transforms.inc" //#include"my_materials.inc" #declare R=seed(005); #declare global_illumination = off; global_settings{ #if(global_illumination=1) radiosity{ //count 200 error_bound .1 //count 9 error_bound .05 //count 15 error_bound .002 //count 30 error_bound .002 count 90 error_bound .005 //count 150 error_bound .002 //count 130 error_bound .15 //count 90 error_bound .2 //count 256 error_bound .0125 //count 309 error_bound .101 //count 150 error_bound .05 //count 900 error_bound .05 //count 1600 error_bound .1 //count 1600 error_bound .01 //error_bound .05 count 1600/8 //pretrace_start .08 pretrace_end .01 //minimum_reuse .01 nearest_count 1 recursion_limit 1 normal on brightness 1 gray_threshold 0 adc_bailout 0.1 } #end //assumed_gamma 2.2 //assumed_gamma 1 //photons{spacing .005 jitter 1}//jitter 0 radius 1} photons{count 10000 jitter 0} max_trace_level 30 noise_generator 3 } #default{ finish{ambient 0 }}//normal{bumps .5 scale .0001}} //#default{ finish{ambient 1 diffuse 0 } }//normal{bumps .5 scale .001}} #declare cpos=<0,-9,-30>; camera{ //fisheye //right x*4/3 up y*1 //orthographic //right x up y //right x*0.7 up y*0.7 location<0,10,-20>*1.2 look_at 0 angle 10 //aperture 5 focal_point -z*4 blur_samples 100 variance 0 //sky<-.3,1,0> } //#version unofficial megapov 1.21; /* #declare illusion_angle = 40; #declare illusion_image = "sky_maker3.tga" #declare illusion_location = <0,-9,-30>; #declare illusion_look_at = y/1.5; #declare illusion_right=x; #declare illusion_up=y; #include "illusion.inc" #declare txtr=2; #declare illusion_texture= texture{ pigment{illusion} finish{ambient 1 diffuse 0} } sphere{0,1000 texture{illusion_texture} no_shadow } */ //#include"edge_pigment.inc" #declare txtr=1; #declare res = 5; #declare lpos = <.5,1,-.5>; #declare lcol = 1.25; #declare earthy = <.75,.65,.5>; #declare wooden = <.75,.5,.25>; #declare air = <.05 .25 .5>; #declare plant= <.4 .75 .4>; //fog{rgb(air*4+lcol)/8 distance 1000 fog_type 2 fog_alt 150 fog_offset 0} // 1209 1166 // 604 583 #declare area_illuminate = on; light_source{lpos*100000,lcol }//area_light x*15000,z*15000,res,res jitter adaptive 1 } //light_source{lpos*100000,lcol }//area_light x*250000,z*250000,res,res jitter adaptive 1 area_illumination area_illuminate} //light_source{<-1,.5,.5>*100000,(air+lcol/2) }//area_light x*245000,z*245000,res,res jitter adaptive 2 area_illumination area_illuminate} //light_source{lpos*100000,lcol area_light x*150000,y*150000,res,res jitter adaptive 2 area_illumination area_illuminate} //light_source{<0,1,0>*100000,.5 }//area_light x*250000,z*250000,res,res jitter adaptive 2 area_illumination area_illuminate} //light_source{<1,1,0>*100000,lcol/3 area_light x*150000,z*150000,res,res jitter adaptive 2 area_illumination area_illuminate} //light_source{<0,0,0>,<1,.8,.5> fade_power 2 fade_distance 15 area_light x*1,y*1,res,res jitter adaptive 2 area_illumination area_illuminate} //fog{rgb (air+lcol) distance 700 fog_type 2 fog_alt 10 fog_offset 0} sky_sphere{ pigment{ spherical scale 2 translate y //warp{turbulence .05 lambda 2.75} Point_At_Trans(lpos) poly_wave 1 //cubic_wave pigment_map{ //[0 rgb earthy -.3] [0 rgb 0] [.5 rgb air] /*[.75 granite scale 3.5 //turbulence .03 lambda 4 color_map{ [0 rgb air] [1 rgb 1] } ] */ //[.7 rgb(air+lcol)/2] [1 rgb lcol] } } } #declare obj1= merge{ cylinder{-x,x,.3} cylinder{-y,y,.2} cylinder{-y,y*.8,.2 translate -z*.3} cylinder{-y,y*.8,.2 translate z*.3} cylinder{-z,z,.3} box{-.5,.5} torus{1,.125} rotate y*35 rotate-x*12 translate x*-1.2 } #declare obj2 = object{obj1 translate x*2.4} #include"fast_prox.inc" #declare p1= pigment{ fastSSS2(obj1,lpos,min_extent(obj1)-0.5,max_extent(obj1)+0.5,<5,5,5>,2,20) cubic_wave } #declare p2= pigment{ fastSSS2(obj2,lpos,min_extent(obj2)-0.5,max_extent(obj2)+0.5,<5,5,5>,2,20) cubic_wave } //****** subsurface scattering (SSS) grey textured object (on the left of the picture) - texture shows where light passes through object (white = lots of light passes through, black = no light passes through) object{obj1 pigment{p1 } finish{ambient 1 diffuse 0} //pigment{rgb 1} } //****** SSS plastic textured object (on the right of the picture) - the lighter areas are more transmittant looking object{obj2 pigment{p2 colour_map{ [0 rgbt <0.5,0.6,0.4>] [1 rgbt <0.5*0.1,0.6*0.1,0.4*0.1>] } } finish{specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13} //pigment{rgb 1} } /* #declare fp=function{pigment{p}} isosurface{ function{ fp(x,y,z).grey-.5 } accuracy .01 max_gradient 8 contained_by{box{-1.25,1.25}} pigment{rgb 1} rotate y*35 } */ //sphere{0,(Max.x-Min.x)/2 pigment{rgbt .5}} /* union{ #declare V=0; #while(V<=1) sphere{,.1} sphere{<0,Min.y+V*(Max.y-Min.y),0>,.1} sphere{<0,0,Min.z+V*(Max.z-Min.z)>,.1} #declare V=V+incre; #end pigment{rgb .5} } */ //box{Min,Max pigment{rgbt .5}} //#include"edge_pigment.inc" //edge_pigment(obj, rad,jitter,quality) //#include"stbHexPatterns.inc" //#declare g=(1+sqrt(5))/2; // the golden ratio //#include"luminous bloom/circular.inc" //#include"edge_pigment.inc" //#include"chamfered_shapes1.inc" /* #declare V=0; #while(V<1) #declare V=V+1/10; #end */