//This sceene was made with POV-Ray 3.1g for Windows #include "colors.inc" background{White} camera { angle .000005 location <0,2,-10> look_at <0,0,0> } light_source { <10, 20, -10> color White } /*difference{ intersection{*/ sphere { <.5,0,0>, .8 pigment { Yellow transmit .75 } } sphere { <-.5,0,0>, .8 pigment { Green transmit .75 } } //} evaluate //#declare border=(2*(.8-((vlength(<-.5,0,0>-<.5,0,0>))/2))/.8) //#declare border=(2*(r-((vlength(-))/2))/r) // simplifying... //#declare border=2-vlength(-)/r #declare border=2-vlength(<-.5,0,0>-<.5,0,0>)/.8 blob { threshold //.75 border-.00732421855956995 // With this in the command line: // +w1280 +h1024 +a0.3 +sc0.476563 +sr0.468750 +ec0.525391 +er0.520833 sphere { <.5,0,0>, .8, 1 pigment {Blue} } sphere { <-.5,0,0>,.8, 1 pigment {Pink} } finish { phong 1 } sturm } //rotate <0,30,0> //}