// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: ground04.pov // Vers: 3.5 // Desc: Use of the trace function in a macro to generate // a mesh2 from an isosurface // Date: 11/12/02 // Auth: Greg M. Johnson // #version 3.5; #include "transforms.inc" //global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0} // ----USER DEFINED VARIABLES--------------------------- #macro mercator(numphi,numtheta,Originny,hills,merctext) //#declare numphi=30; //this is the number of places in phi: like the latitude lines on a globe. //#declare numtheta=30; // this is the number of places in theat: like the longitude lines on a globe. //#declare Originny=0*y; // this is the origin of your globe <0,0,0> // ---------------------------------------- #declare Norm=<0,0,0>; //light_source{<-40,100,-80> color rgb 1} //background{blue 1} //fog {distance 200 color rgb <0.2,0.3,1>} mesh2 { vertex_vectors { 6*numtheta*numphi, #declare nphi=0; #while(nphi, #declare n=n+3; #end #if(n<6*numphi*numtheta-1) , #end } texture {merctext} //translate 3*y } #end