// Persistence of Vision Raytracer V3.1 // World definition file. // // Contains 6 lights, 10 materials and 19 primitives. // // This file was generated for POV-Ray V3.1 by // Moray V3.3a For Windows Copyright (c) 1993-2001 Lutz + Kretzschmar // // Date : 07/06/2002 (06.07.2002) // /* The text between these two comments is in MorayPOV.INC and is automatically included in all POV files that Moray exports. */ default { texture { pigment { rgb <1,0,0> } } } /* // Scene Comment This scene was created with Moray V3.3a For Windows. */ // End Scene Comment global_settings { adc_bailout 0.003922 ambient_light <1.0,1.0,1.0> assumed_gamma 1.9 hf_gray_16 off irid_wavelength <0.247059,0.176471,0.137255> max_intersections 64 max_trace_level 10 number_of_waves 10 radiosity{ pretrace_start 0.04 pretrace_end 0.01 count 210 //200...causes spotted caustics recursion_limit 3 nearest_count 10 error_bound 0.5 } photons { spacing 0.5 //spacing 0.05 radius 3//radius 2 } } background { color <0.000,0.000,0.000> } camera { // Camera Camera01 location < 0.000, -18.000, 9.000> sky < 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000> // Use right handed-system up < 0.0, 0.0, 1.0> // Where Z is up right < 1.00000, 0.0, 0.0> // Right Vector is adjusted to compensate for spherical (Moray) vs. planar (POV-Ray) aspect ratio angle 65.50000 // Vertical 65.500 look_at < 0.000, 0.000, 9.000> } // Other cameras are commented out. /* camera { // Camera SpotCam001 location < -6.000, 3.000, 10.000> // Attached to Red Bouce Light (ceiling) sky < 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000> // Use right handed-system up < 0.0, 0.0, 1.0> // Where Z is up right < 1.68252, 0.0, 0.0> // Right Vector is adjusted to compensate for spherical (Moray) vs. planar (POV-Ray) aspect ratio angle 115.63354 // Vertical 86.725 look_at < -6.000, 3.000, 11.000> // Following Red Bouce Light (ceiling) } */ /* camera { // Camera SpotCam002 location < 0.000, 0.000, 11.000> // Attached to Fill light (ceiling) sky < 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000> // Use right handed-system up < 0.0, 0.0, 1.0> // Where Z is up right < 1.94194, 0.0, 0.0> // Right Vector is adjusted to compensate for spherical (Moray) vs. planar (POV-Ray) aspect ratio angle 133.17354 // Vertical 99.880 look_at < -0.000, 0.000, 12.000> // Following Fill light (ceiling) } */ /* camera { // Camera SpotCam003 location < 6.000, 3.000, 10.000> // Attached to Blue Bouce Light (ceiling) sky < 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000> // Use right handed-system up < 0.0, 0.0, 1.0> // Where Z is up right < 1.68252, 0.0, 0.0> // Right Vector is adjusted to compensate for spherical (Moray) vs. planar (POV-Ray) aspect ratio angle 115.63354 // Vertical 86.725 look_at < 6.000, 3.000, 11.000> // Following Blue Bouce Light (ceiling) } */ /* camera { // Camera SpotCam004 location < -6.000, 3.000, 10.000> // Attached to Red Bouce Light (back wall) sky < 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000> // Use right handed-system up < 0.0, 0.0, 1.0> // Where Z is up right < 1.68252, 0.0, 0.0> // Right Vector is adjusted to compensate for spherical (Moray) vs. planar (POV-Ray) aspect ratio angle 115.63354 // Vertical 86.725 look_at < -6.000, 4.000, 10.000> // Following Red Bouce Light (back wall) } */ // // ******* L I G H T S ******* // light_source { // Spotlight Main Light <0.0, 0.0, 0.0> color rgb <1.000, 1.000, 1.000> spotlight point_at <0.0, 0.0, -2.000> falloff 89.000 // outer radius (in deg) radius 50.000 // inner radius tightness 0.000 area_light <2.000, 0.000, 0.000>, <0.000, 2.000, 0.000>, 5, 5 adaptive 1 jitter translate <0.0, 2.0, 19.0> } light_source { // Arealight (No light) <0.0, 0.0, 0.0> color rgb <1.000, 1.000, 1.000>*0.0000 area_light <2.000, 0.000, 0.000>, <0.000, 2.000, 0.000>, 3, 3 adaptive 1 jitter } light_source { // Spotlight Fill light (ceiling) <0.0, 0.0, 0.0> color rgb <1.000, 1.000, 1.000>*0.2000 spotlight point_at <0.0, 0.0, -2.000> falloff 60.000 // outer radius (in deg) radius 0.100 // inner radius tightness 0.000 rotate -180.0*y translate 11.0*z } // // ******** MATERIALS ******* // #include "test room.inc" // // ******** REFERENCED OBJECTS ******* // // // ******** OBJECTS ******* // sphere { // Floating_Ball <0,0,0>,1 material { Glass } scale 3.0 translate <5.0, 1.0, 11.0> photons { target .05 //.25 //reflection on refraction on collect off } hollow } sphere { // Medium_Metal_Ball <0,0,0>,1 material { Polished_Chrome } scale 2.0 translate <-1.75, -4.25, 3.0> } box { // Light1 <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { Light_texture } scale <3.0, 2.0, 0.25> translate <0.0, 2.0, 19.5> } difference { // CSG001 box { // Ceiling <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { White } scale <9.0, 15.0, 1.0> translate <0.0, -5.0, 18.0> } box { // Light <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { Light_texture_M_small_piece } scale <3.0, 2.0, 0.5> translate <0.0, 2.0, 17.0> } translate 2.0*z } sphere { // Big_Metal_Ball <0,0,0>,1 material { Polished_Chrome } scale 3.0 translate <3.0, 4.0, 4.0> } sphere { // Small_Metal_Ball <0,0,0>,1 material { Polished_Chrome } scale 1.5 translate <7.0, -2.0, 2.5> } box { // Front_Wall <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { White } scale <10.0, 9.0, 1.0> rotate <-90.0, -90.0, 0.0> translate <0.0, -19.0, 9.0> } sphere { // Glass_Ball <0,0,0>,1 material { Glass_2 } scale 3.0 translate <-4.5, 0.0, 4.0> photons { target .35//target .35 //reflection on refraction on collect off } hollow } box { // Back_Wall <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { White } scale <11.0, 9.0, 1.0> rotate <-90.0, -90.0, 0.0> translate <0.0, 9.0, 10.0> } box { // Left_Wall <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { Red } scale <11.0, 15.0, 1.0> rotate -90.0*y translate <-10.0, -5.0, 10.0> } box { // Right_Wall <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { Blue } scale <11.0, 15.0, 1.0> rotate -90.0*y translate <10.0, -5.0, 10.0> } box { // Floor <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { White } scale <9.0, 15.0, 1.0> translate -5.0*y }