// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: ?.pov // Vers: 3.5 // Desc: Basic Scene Example // Date: mm/dd/yy // Auth: ? // #version 3.5; #include "colors.inc" global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 max_trace_level 255 // need this for fast_clouds2.inc } // ---------------------------------------- camera { location <0.0, 0, -10.0> direction 1.5*z right x*image_width/image_height look_at <0.0,3, 0.0> angle 50 } sky_sphere { pigment { gradient y color_map { [0.0 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>] [0.7 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>] } } } light_source { <0, 0, 0> // light's position (translated below) color rgb <1, 1, 1> // light's color translate <-30, 30, -30> } // ---------------------------------------- plane { y, -1 pigment { color rgb <0.7,0.5,0.3> } } sphere { 0.0, 1 texture { pigment { radial frequency 8 color_map { [0.00 color rgb <1.0,0.4,0.2> ] [0.33 color rgb <0.2,0.4,1.0> ] [0.66 color rgb <0.4,1.0,0.2> ] [1.00 color rgb <1.0,0.4,0.2> ] } } finish{ specular 0.6 } } translate <0,3,0> // put this in the air } #declare Sunset_Sky = pigment { gradient y color_map { [-1 color rgb <1,1,0>] [0 color rgb <1,.8,0>] [.075 color rgb <1,.5,0>] [.25 color rgb <.3,.25,1>] [.35 color rgb <.1,.05,1>] [.5 color rgb <0,0,.5>] [1 color rgb <0,0,.25>] } scale <1,1,1> rotate <0,0,0> } sky_sphere{ pigment{Sunset_Sky } pigment{ bozo turbulence .5 color_map{ [0.0 rgbt <.5,.5,.5,.8> ] [1.0 rgbt <1,1,1,.5> ] } scale .5 scale <1,1/6,1> } translate 0 scale 1.5 rotate <0,0,0> } // ================================================================================================= // to see what these variables really do, change the fcloud_count to 10 or the fcloud_scale_min or //any other variable, you should see some changes! // Thanks to Gilles for the basic code and to Chris Colfax for "how to use variables" // ===================================================================================== // fast_clouds2 #declare fcloud_count = 300; #declare fcloud_min_xtnt = <-50,0,-50>; #declare fcloud_max_xtnt = <50,50,50>; #declare fcloud_scale_min = <1,1,1>; #declare fcloud_scale_max = <5,5,5>; #declare fcloud_turb = .1; #declare fcloud_lambda = .1; #declare fcloud_highlight_angle = 10; #declare fcloud_rotate = <-60,0,0>; #declare fcloud_color = <1,.8,.8>*1.5; //#include "i:\from_home2\my_includes\fast_clouds2.inc" // ====================================================================== // I have inserted the inc file here, but it should be a separate file //======================================================================= // Test for fast clouds // Gilles Tran 8/4/2002 (www.oyonale.com // Feel free to use, modify etc. #version 3.5; #include "colors.inc" // random number generation macros // #include "rand.inc" #ifndef (fcloud_count) #declare fcloud_count = 10; #end //cloud count #ifndef (fcloud_min_xtnt) #declare fcloud_min_xtnt = <-10,0,-10>; #end //min vect of box #ifndef (fcloud_max_xtnt) #declare fcloud_max_xtnt = < 10,10,10>; #end //max vect of box #ifndef (fcloud_scale_min) #declare fcloud_scale_min = 1; #end //lower cloud scale #ifndef (fcloud_scale_max) #declare fcloud_scale_max = 4; #end //upper cloud scale #ifndef (fcloud_turb) #declare fcloud_turb = .1; #end //cloud turbulence #ifndef (fcloud_lambda) #declare fcloud_lambda = .1; #end //lower is smoother #ifndef (fcloud_highlight_angle) #declare fcloud_highlight_angle = -20; #end //lower is smoother #ifndef (fcloud_rotate) #declare fcloud_rotate = 0;#end //individual cloud rotation #ifndef (fcloud_color) #declare fcloud_color = <1,1,1>;#end #declare SkyBlue=rgb <135,142,238>/255; //#declare SkyBlue=rgb <135,172,238>/255; #macro colCloud(Color,P,S,T) rgbf #end #declare colCloud1=colCloud(SkyBlue,0.3,0.6,0.8); // shadow #declare colCloud2=colCloud(SkyBlue,0.3,0.8,0.5); #declare colCloud3=colCloud(SkyBlue,0.2,1,0.3); #declare colCloud4=colCloud(SkyBlue,0.1,1.2,0.1); // white #declare colBack=Clear; // the clouds pigment // because it's based on the cylindrical pattern, translating the pattern //along the z axis changes the shape of the cloud #macro mPigCloud(S1,S2) // S1 and S2 are the cloud length and height #local Turb=0.35+rand(rd)*fcloud_turb; #local Lambda=3+rand(rd)*fcloud_lambda; //cloud smoothness pigment{ pigment_pattern{ cylindrical scale warp{turbulence Turb lambda Lambda octaves 4} rotate -x*90 } pigment_map{ [0.4 color colBack] [0.5 pigment_pattern{ function{min(1,max(0,y))} warp{turbulence Turb lambda Lambda} rotate -z*fcloud_highlight_angle // tilts the higlights to the right } pigment_map{ [0 pigment_pattern{ cylindrical scale warp{turbulence Turb lambda Lambda} rotate x*-90 } pigment_map{ [0 color Clear] [0.7 colCloud1] [1 color colCloud2] } ] [0.7 colCloud4] } ] } } finish{ambient fcloud_color diffuse 0 brilliance 100} #end #declare i=0; #declare rd=seed(1); #declare Nuage0=union{ // basic cloud square triangle{0,y,x+y} triangle{0,x,x+y} hollow translate -x*0.5-y*.5 scale 5 no_shadow } #debug concat(str(i,0,0),"\n") #declare j=0; #declare Nuage=union{ #while (j scale <10,3,10> translate <3,80,0> //scale <3,2,3> }