//The idea is to use the last rendered image as input for the current image #version unofficial MegaPOV 0.6;//For frame_number, final_frame, clock_on #include "colors.inc" //IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT global_settings { /*Make sure write to file is on & that we know the file name cause currently you can't access it from the scene without patching POV*/ /*ini_option "+F +FN +Ochaos.png +KFF1000"*/ assumed_gamma 2.2 } //Find out how many characters the output file contains #declare I = final_frame; #declare L = 1; #while(I>1) #declare I = I/10; #declare L = L+1; #end //L now contains the number of characters the Frame number should take up #if(clock_on) //For when this is rendered as an animation #declare file = concat("chaos",str(frame_number-1,-L,0),".png") //Little bit of debugging when anim is on #debug concat("\n",file,"\n") #else //For when you call POV many times to render the image #declare file = "chaos.png" #end //Simple camera camera { location <0, 120, 0> look_at <0, 0, 0> } /*Initially this file was one of the "Ready-made scenes" from the POV-Win insert menu & the following lights are relics from the file this was based on*/ light_source { <0, 50, -1> color LightGray spotlight point_at <0, 0, 8> tightness 50 radius 50 falloff 100 } light_source { <-13, -0.5, -2> color Red spotlight point_at <-0, -0, -00> tightness 10 radius 100 falloff 250 } light_source { <10, -0.5, -2> color Green spotlight point_at <0, -0, -0> tightness 10 radius 100 falloff 250 } light_source { <13, -0.5, -2> color Blue spotlight point_at <0, 0, 0> tightness 10 radius 100 falloff 250 } //Light that I added light_source {<100,120,-130> colour White} //The smaller less visible sphere adding to the image sphere { 0, 25 pigment { image_map{ png file interpolate 2 map_type 1 transmit all 0.8 } scale 100 rotate x*90 rotate z*40 } normal { bump_map { png file bump_size 5 interpolate 2 once } scale 60 translate <-25, -25, 8970> } finish {ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.7 specular 0.6} } //The elongated 3D Red elipse that affects the image the most sphere { <0.1, 10, 0>, 20 pigment { Red transmit 0.8} normal { bump_map { png file bump_size 5 interpolate 2 once } scale 60 rotate <-25, -25, 50> translate <-25, -25, 0> } finish {ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.7 specular 0.6} scale <2,1,1> //Elongate it } //The plane that does most of the IFS work plane { y, -25 finish {ambient 0.6 } pigment { //The actual image image_map{ png file interpolate 2 map_type 0} //Arbitrary transformations scale 100 rotate x*90 rotate y*45 /*rotate z*40*/ } } //See simple really but a lot more could be done with it