POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : Running POV-Ray Through DDE Link Server Time
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  Running POV-Ray Through DDE Link (Message 1 to 7 of 7)  
From: akash
Subject: Running POV-Ray Through DDE Link
Date: 8 Oct 2009 14:05:01
Message: <web.4ace28dfe3f4e7b75d1de84f0@news.povray.org>
I have written a program that is DDE enabled. I'd like to send a command from
that program to POV-Ray (via DDE) and have POV-Ray load a file, render, and
create an image output (JPG,BMP,etc.). Is such DDE communication possible using
POV-Ray? Essentially, I'd like to run POV-Ray as a client from another program,
without having to launch it manually. Thanks in advance!

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From: Darren New
Subject: Re: Running POV-Ray Through DDE Link
Date: 8 Oct 2009 14:42:52
Message: <4ace32ac@news.povray.org>
akash wrote:
> Essentially, I'd like to run POV-Ray as a client from another program,
> without having to launch it manually. Thanks in advance!

You can invoke pvengine.exe with the /render and /exit switches to cause 
POV-Ray to do something close to that. That may be sufficient.

   Darren New, San Diego CA, USA (PST)
   I ordered stamps from Zazzle that read "Place Stamp Here".

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Running POV-Ray Through DDE Link
Date: 8 Oct 2009 16:24:34
Message: <4ace4a82$1@news.povray.org>
Darren New schrieb:
> akash wrote:
>> Essentially, I'd like to run POV-Ray as a client from another program,
>> without having to launch it manually. Thanks in advance!
> You can invoke pvengine.exe with the /render and /exit switches to cause 
> POV-Ray to do something close to that. That may be sufficient.

... aside from that, there is no interface to drive POV-Ray 
automatically, nor does POV-Ray's current license permit to distribute a 
version that has such an interface added.

(Future versions are likely to be released under the GPL though, which 
would then permit such a patch to be distributed I guess.)

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From: Nicolas Alvarez
Subject: Re: Running POV-Ray Through DDE Link
Date: 8 Oct 2009 18:44:57
Message: <4ace6b69@news.povray.org>
clipka wrote:
> ... aside from that, there is no interface to drive POV-Ray
> automatically, nor does POV-Ray's current license permit to distribute a
> version that has such an interface added.

GUI Extensions are enough for some interaction with another application.
Doesn't Moray use that, after all?

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Running POV-Ray Through DDE Link
Date: 8 Oct 2009 19:31:26
Message: <4ace764e@news.povray.org>
Nicolas Alvarez schrieb:
> clipka wrote:
>> ... aside from that, there is no interface to drive POV-Ray
>> automatically, nor does POV-Ray's current license permit to distribute a
>> version that has such an interface added.
> GUI Extensions are enough for some interaction with another application.
> Doesn't Moray use that, after all?

While Moray may be using some plug-in mechanism to extend its own 
(modelling) functionality (I'm no Moray expert, rather far from it 
actually), when it comes to driving POV-Ray it must use the same method 
as everyone else: Executing it with suitable command-line parameters.

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From: Fredrik Eriksson
Subject: Re: Running POV-Ray Through DDE Link
Date: 8 Oct 2009 20:30:11
Message: <op.u1ibolqr7bxctx@e6600>
On Fri, 09 Oct 2009 01:31:20 +0200, clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> While Moray may be using some plug-in mechanism to extend its own  
> (modelling) functionality (I'm no Moray expert, rather far from it  
> actually), when it comes to driving POV-Ray it must use the same method  
> as everyone else: Executing it with suitable command-line parameters.


Moray used the GUI Extension interface to hook into POV-Ray, which allowed  
it to start renders programmatically and capture render output in its own  


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From: trp
Subject: Re: Running POV-Ray Through DDE Link
Date: 29 May 2010 15:10:01
Message: <web.4c0165e33f4c95c6bba08f230@news.povray.org>
"akash" <sky### [at] hotmailcom> wrote:
> I have written a program that is DDE enabled. I'd like to send a command from
> that program to POV-Ray (via DDE) and have POV-Ray load a file, render, and
> create an image output (JPG,BMP,etc.). Is such DDE communication possible using
> POV-Ray? Essentially, I'd like to run POV-Ray as a client from another program,
> without having to launch it manually. Thanks in advance!

This is an old thread, so probably no one really cares any more and Fredrik
already pointed to the right area. But, since I just now read the message, I
thought I would throw out a suggestion or two for anyone in the future.

provides an example of a dynamic linked library that POV-Ray can access as a
GUI-Extension. Use this as a model to create a DLL. You will need to edit the

documentation. Read it carefully.) The program you are creating can also open
this same DLL and establish a DDE communications link.

I use DDE to poke a message into the DLL. The message has the rendering
information and the handle of my display window. You will see that the

the DLL post a windows message to my display window. The window reads the image
from disk and shows it.

It was a little tricky at first. But, it seems to work pretty well now. Good

www.imagicproductions.com the home of Alive! for POV-Ray

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