POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : How to make different groups in the object Server Time
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  How to make different groups in the object (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: here I am
Subject: How to make different groups in the object
Date: 12 Feb 2008 00:25:00
Message: <web.47b12d7670c440033e2740f70@news.povray.org>
Hi everybody!

I have this face scene,where I have to define different region based on the
location on the face(Such as one region for nose other for lips..and so on) but
the problem I am facing is that even though I know the coordinate for all the
triangle in the scene file i don't know which one corresponds to which region
and I can't do this randomly since scene file has 15000 triangles.

I would appreciate if you guys could help me out here.

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From: Nicolas Alvarez
Subject: Re: How to make different groups in the object
Date: 12 Feb 2008 01:17:30
Message: <47b139fa@news.povray.org>

> I have this face scene,where I have to define different region based on the
> location on the face(Such as one region for nose other for lips..and so on) but
> the problem I am facing is that even though I know the coordinate for all the
> triangle in the scene file i don't know which one corresponds to which region
> and I can't do this randomly since scene file has 15000 triangles.

This is the wrong group for this question. This group is for discussion 
of the POV-Ray source code, not general questions of using POV-Ray. 
questions about using POV-Ray should be asked/made in either 
povray.general or povray.newusers.

(I have nothing to do with the POV-Team, but I thought I could do 
Thorsten the favor of replying for him :P)

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: How to make different groups in the object
Date: 12 Feb 2008 04:53:15
Message: <47b16c8b$1@news.povray.org>
Nicolas Alvarez wrote:

>> I have this face scene,where I have to define different region based 
>> on the
>> location on the face(Such as one region for nose other for lips..and 
>> so on) but
>> the problem I am facing is that even though I know the coordinate for 
>> all the
>> triangle in the scene file i don't know which one corresponds to which 
>> region
>> and I can't do this randomly since scene file has 15000 triangles.
> This is the wrong group for this question. This group is for discussion 
> of the POV-Ray source code, not general questions of using POV-Ray. 
> questions about using POV-Ray should be asked/made in either 
> povray.general or povray.newusers.
> (I have nothing to do with the POV-Team, but I thought I could do 
> Thorsten the favor of replying for him :P)

Thanks :-)


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