POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : OT: LuxRender is a new, OPEN-SOURCE, free software rendering system for phy= Server Time
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  OT: LuxRender is a new, OPEN-SOURCE, free software rendering system for phy= (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: delle
Subject: OT: LuxRender is a new, OPEN-SOURCE, free software rendering system for phy=
Date: 22 Oct 2007 11:15:01
Message: <web.471cbe38a438212527eef15b0@news.povray.org>

LuxRender is a new, open-source, free software rendering system for
physically correct, unbiased image synthesis.

Rendering with LuxRender means simulating light according to physical
equations, this produces realistic photographic quality images.

It's an authorized fork of the PBRT project, focusing on production
rendering and artistic efficiency.

Please read our Features and Goals and philosophy pages for more

Why another unbiased renderer ? Read our FAQs page for details.

LuxRender comprises an interactive GUI, a command line tool, and Blender
exporter plugins.
For developers, we also provide a C/C++ API allowing to embed LuxRender into
third-party applications.

LuxRender runs on GNU/Linux, MS-Windows(R) and MacOS X(R) platforms.

If you would like to show your support for our project, please register on
our forums and leave us a message.

HELP WANTED: Ask not what your renderer can do for you, but what you can do
for your renderer.

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From: delle
Subject: Re: OT: LuxRender is a new, OPEN-SOURCE, free software rendering system for= phy=3D
Date: 20 Feb 2008 08:00:01
Message: <web.47bc2343f5d21f3f27eef15b0@news.povray.org>
Hi, the Web Site has changed

New Web Site: http://www.luxrender.net/



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From: David Morrison
Subject: Re: OT: LuxRender is a new, OPEN-SOURCE, free software rendering system for= phy=3D
Date: 17 Jun 2009 22:25:00
Message: <web.4a39a518f5d21f3f7bd8d7400@news.povray.org>
"delle" <del### [at] ciaowebit> wrote:
> http://www.luxrender2.org/
> LuxRender is a new, open-source, free software rendering system for
> physically correct, unbiased image synthesis.

I have used the LuxRender plug-in for Blender and get great results with very
little effort.   Basically you create a scene in Blender with at least one
light source.  Then run the LuxRender render script (not an export script) and
sit back and watch the beauty happen.

See luxrender.net for more info.


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From: David H  Burns
Subject: Re: OT: LuxRender is a new, OPEN-SOURCE, free software rendering system for=phy=3D
Date: 5 Aug 2009 15:55:36
Message: <4a79e3b8@news.povray.org>
The LuxRender2 page doesn't seem to exist. I downloaded LuxRender from 
the luxrender.net
page but can't do anything with it. The online documentation I found 
seemed unhelpful and I
couldn't find a way of downloading it. I have great difficulty in 
reading HTML based
documentation. Can it be used with Pov-Ray?


David Morrison wrote:
> "delle" <del### [at] ciaowebit> wrote:
>> http://www.luxrender2.org/
>> LuxRender is a new, open-source, free software rendering system for
>> physically correct, unbiased image synthesis.
> I have used the LuxRender plug-in for Blender and get great results with very
> little effort.   Basically you create a scene in Blender with at least one
> light source.  Then run the LuxRender render script (not an export script) and
> sit back and watch the beauty happen.
> See luxrender.net for more info.
> Dedwarmo

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: OT: LuxRender is a new, OPEN-SOURCE, free software renderingsystem for=phy=3D
Date: 5 Aug 2009 16:22:10
Message: <4a79e9f2$1@news.povray.org>
David H. Burns schrieb:
> Can it be used with Pov-Ray?

Bloody likely not. So actually this is off-topic here - which the 
original poster was obviously well aware of, but didn't seem to bother 
much about respecting that.

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From: David H  Burns
Subject: Re: OT: LuxRender is a new, OPEN-SOURCE, free software renderingsystemfor=phy=3D
Date: 5 Aug 2009 20:36:13
Message: <4a7a257d$1@news.povray.org>
Thanks. The best I could figure out, it doesn't and so is little (i.e 
no) use to me.


clipka wrote:
> David H. Burns schrieb:
>> Can it be used with Pov-Ray?
> Bloody likely not. So actually this is off-topic here - which the 
> original poster was obviously well aware of, but didn't seem to bother 
> much about respecting that.

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