POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : Image file formats Server Time
22 Dec 2024 01:32:35 EST (-0500)
  Image file formats (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Anthony D  Baye
Subject: Image file formats
Date: 2 Mar 2007 14:30:00
Message: <web.45e87a97e9a7e9d6c26c5e110@news.povray.org>
Which of these types of Targa files are generated by POV?

 1  -  Uncompressed, color-mapped images.
 2  -  Uncompressed, RGB images.
 3  -  Uncompressed, black and white images.
 9  -  Runlength encoded color-mapped images.
10  -  Runlength encoded RGB images.
11  -  Compressed, black and white images.
32  -  Compressed color-mapped data, using Huffman, Delta, and
           runlength encoding.
33  -  Compressed color-mapped data, using Huffman, Delta, and
           runlength encoding.  4-pass quadtree-type process.

Are there other types?  And does POV-Ray use the TGA_2 Spec?


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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Image file formats
Date: 2 Mar 2007 14:44:14
Message: <45e87e8e$1@news.povray.org>
Anthony D. Baye wrote:
> Which of these types of Targa files are generated by POV?
>  1  -  Uncompressed, color-mapped images.
>  2  -  Uncompressed, RGB images.
>  3  -  Uncompressed, black and white images.
>  9  -  Runlength encoded color-mapped images.
> 10  -  Runlength encoded RGB images.
> 11  -  Compressed, black and white images.
> 32  -  Compressed color-mapped data, using Huffman, Delta, and
>            runlength encoding.
> 33  -  Compressed color-mapped data, using Huffman, Delta, and
>            runlength encoding.  4-pass quadtree-type process.
> Are there other types?

POV-Ray generates 2 and 10 iirc. The source will tell. It certainly doesn't 
generate any color-mapped images in any format.


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