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Hello there,
Is it a bug or (most probable) did I miss something ?
I have this very nice image of a checker (this is just for the sake of the
example and not the image I am actually using) stored in a file called
content of test.pgm:
2 2
0 100
100 0
I am using this image in a pigment function, or whatever you might want to
call that:
#local fn_pig= function {
pigment {
image_map {
pgm "test.pgm"
map_type 0
interpolate 0
#local fn_pig_Height=function { (fn_pig(x, y, 0).red ) }
Then, I just call this function many times, using a loop:
#declare Pas = 0.1;
#declare Loc_x = 0;
#while (Loc_x < 1)
#declare Loc_y = 0;
#while (Loc_y < 1)
#debug concat("x=",str(Loc_x,3,3)," y=",str(Loc_y,3,3)," fn_pig_Height =
#declare Loc_y = Loc_y + Pas;
#debug "n"
#declare Loc_x = Loc_x + Pas;
and HERE IS MY QUESTION !!! For each x value strictly lower than 1, and for
each y value stricly lower than 1 (x<1 and y<1), I get what I expect (0 or
0.39216, which is 100/255, depending on x and y). But, for x=1 and
y=anything, or for y=1 and x=anything, I get the value 1 !!
When I render this as an isosurface, I get a kind of wall around my
Could anyone help me out ?
Hope my description is clear. If not, please ask for more information...
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From: NEWS
Subject: Re: HELP !! Image used in pigment to create an isosurface problem
Date: 29 Jun 2006 08:43:26
Message: <44a3caee$1@news.povray.org>
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Well , i have try to uderstand .was difficult ..
Well if i understand well ..
when you got one of x,y upper than one you got a 1 ... (insteed of 0??)
well i thing that commes from your once term in your pigment function ..
when x is upper than one then you are 'ouside' your image map than that take
the value one (probably due to outside of the imagemap is white (1) ))
same for y upper than one ..
did that help you ?
> Hello there,
> Is it a bug or (most probable) did I miss something ?
> I have this very nice image of a checker (this is just for the sake of the
> example and not the image I am actually using) stored in a file called
> test.pgm:
> content of test.pgm:
> P2
> 2 2
> 255
> 0 100
> 100 0
> I am using this image in a pigment function, or whatever you might want to
> call that:
> #local fn_pig= function {
> pigment {
> image_map {
> pgm "test.pgm"
> map_type 0
> interpolate 0
> once
> }
> }
> }
> #local fn_pig_Height=function { (fn_pig(x, y, 0).red ) }
> Then, I just call this function many times, using a loop:
> #declare Pas = 0.1;
> #declare Loc_x = 0;
> #while (Loc_x < 1)
> #declare Loc_y = 0;
> #while (Loc_y < 1)
> #debug concat("x=",str(Loc_x,3,3)," y=",str(Loc_y,3,3)," fn_pig_Height
> ",str(fn_pig_Height(Loc_x,Loc_y,0),5,5),"n")
> #declare Loc_y = Loc_y + Pas;
> #end
> #debug "n"
> #declare Loc_x = Loc_x + Pas;
> #end
> and HERE IS MY QUESTION !!! For each x value strictly lower than 1, and
> each y value stricly lower than 1 (x<1 and y<1), I get what I expect (0 or
> 0.39216, which is 100/255, depending on x and y). But, for x=1 and
> y=anything, or for y=1 and x=anything, I get the value 1 !!
> When I render this as an isosurface, I get a kind of wall around my
> checker...
> Could anyone help me out ?
> Hope my description is clear. If not, please ask for more information...
> S.
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From: Christoph Hormann
Subject: Re: HELP !! Image used in pigment to create an isosurface problem
Date: 29 Jun 2006 10:20:03
Message: <e80ng1$r03$1@chho.imagico.de>
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Sylvain wrote:
> Hello there,
This is not the appropriate group for such questions.
POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Landscape of the week:
http://www.imagico.de/ (Last updated 01 Jun. 2006)
MegaPOV with mechanics simulation: http://megapov.inetart.net/
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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: HELP !! Image used in pigment to create an isosurface problem
Date: 29 Jun 2006 10:36:22
Message: <44a3e566$1@news.povray.org>
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Sylvain wrote:
> Hello there,
> Is it a bug or (most probable) did I miss something ?
> I have this very nice image of a checker (this is just for the sake of the
> example and not the image I am actually using) stored in a file called
This is the wrong group for this question. This group is for discussion of
the POV-Ray source code, not general questions of using POV-Ray. Questions
about using POV-Ray should be asked/made in either povray.general or
Thorsten, POV-Team
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Thorsten Froehlich <tho### [at] trfde> wrote:
> Sylvain wrote:
> > Hello there,
> >
> > Is it a bug or (most probable) did I miss something ?
> >
> > I have this very nice image of a checker (this is just for the sake of the
> > example and not the image I am actually using) stored in a file called
> This is the wrong group for this question. This group is for discussion of
> the POV-Ray source code, not general questions of using POV-Ray. Questions
> about using POV-Ray should be asked/made in either povray.general or
> povray.newusers.
> Thorsten, POV-Team
Sorry about the mistake...
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From: Warp
Subject: Re: HELP !! Image used in pigment to create an isosurface problem
Date: 29 Jun 2006 13:14:48
Message: <44a40a88$1@news.povray.org>
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Thorsten Froehlich wrote:
> This is the wrong group for this question.
Perhaps this group could just be deleted? The vast majority of
posts are off-topic, and the few truely on-topic posts could have
perfectly been posted in eg. p.advanced-users.
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From: NEWS
Subject: Re: HELP !! Image used in pigment to create an isosurface problem
Date: 30 Jun 2006 04:04:35
Message: <44a4db13$1@news.povray.org>
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in fact i this this group dont have an appropriate understandable title
..cause programming can be ambiguous if you consider that building a scene
is programming it ..(as new users) ..
povray.source.programming will be less ambiguous ...
Well still off topic ....
> Thorsten Froehlich wrote:
> > This is the wrong group for this question.
> Perhaps this group could just be deleted? The vast majority of
> posts are off-topic, and the few truely on-topic posts could have
> perfectly been posted in eg. p.advanced-users.
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From: Warp
Subject: Re: HELP !! Image used in pigment to create an isosurface problem
Date: 30 Jun 2006 07:04:48
Message: <44a50550$1@news.povray.org>
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NEWS wrote:
> in fact i this this group dont have an appropriate understandable title
> ..cause programming can be ambiguous if you consider that building a scene
> is programming it ..(as new users) ..
It has been known for many years that this group *can't* have
an unambiguous title. There have been probably a couple of dozen
suggestions, all of which have been ambiguous or very unclear.
Given that the amount of on-topic posts in this group is really
really small and the amount of off-topic posts is very high, I vote
for removal. This group doesn't serve its purpose (and the few posts
which are on-topic could be handled in another group).
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