POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : Exporting CSG Meshes Server Time
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  Exporting CSG Meshes (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: dbug at no-spam org
Subject: Exporting CSG Meshes
Date: 22 Feb 2006 07:15:00
Message: <web.43fc55671a82dabf4cb866850@news.povray.org>
Hi, i have searched for tools that can somehow export the objects in a
scene.pov file to other formats, i found a few that is old, and they only
supports meshes not CSG's.

Is there any known way to export an CSG as an mesh, if that is the case, i'm
really thanksful for the solution.

Otherwise, are the CSG internally handled as meshes in povray, if that's is
the case, point me to the directions of sourcefiles so i could implement an
export of CSG to an useful object format such as .3ds or .obj.

/Henrik A.

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Exporting CSG Meshes
Date: 22 Feb 2006 08:11:48
Message: <43fc6314$1@news.povray.org>
dbug.at.no-spam.org wrote:
> Hi, i have searched for tools that can somehow export the objects in a
> scene.pov file to other formats, i found a few that is old, and they only
> supports meshes not CSG's.
> Is there any known way to export an CSG as an mesh, if that is the case, i'm
> really thanksful for the solution.

This is the wrong group for this question.  This group is for discussion of 
the POV-Ray source code, not general questions of using POV-Ray.  Questions 
about using POV-Ray should be asked/made in either povray.general or 

> Otherwise, are the CSG internally handled as meshes in povray, if that's
> is the case, point me to the directions of sourcefiles so i could
> implement an export of CSG to an useful object format such as .3ds or
> .obj.

Please read
As such, the answer is: There is no such source file because they are not 

     Thorsten, POV-Team

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