POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : fifos and forking. I'm lost Server Time
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  fifos and forking. I'm lost (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Cesar
Subject: fifos and forking. I'm lost
Date: 23 Jul 2005 09:20:00
Message: <web.42e242f033b761b5877b4f9a0@news.povray.org>

I don't know if this is the right newsgroup, I'm sorry if its not.

I've asked this before, but for some reason my old solution does not work in
my new linux box, don know why.

I made a c++ program that changes the scene files several times and each
time, it renders an image using povray. The image must go to a buffer for
posterior processing.

So I create a fifo and in my render function i fork. The child process calls
povray sending the image to the fifo (+Omyfifo.ppm, myfifo.ppm being the
named fifo I create with mkfifo()). In the parent process, the function
reads from  the fifo to the buffer.

But I'm having serius synchronization issues. I've tried so many things I'm
lost. I'm sure someone have done this before. Could you help me, maybe post
some code? I would really
appreciate it.



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From: Jeff Houck
Subject: Re: fifos and forking. I'm lost
Date: 24 Jul 2005 13:07:49
Message: <42e3cae5$1@news.povray.org>
Cesar wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know if this is the right newsgroup, I'm sorry if its not.
> I've asked this before, but for some reason my old solution does not work in
> my new linux box, don know why.
> I made a c++ program that changes the scene files several times and each
> time, it renders an image using povray. The image must go to a buffer for
> posterior processing.
> So I create a fifo and in my render function i fork. The child process calls
> povray sending the image to the fifo (+Omyfifo.ppm, myfifo.ppm being the
> named fifo I create with mkfifo()). In the parent process, the function
> reads from  the fifo to the buffer.
> But I'm having serius synchronization issues. I've tried so many things I'm
> lost. I'm sure someone have done this before. Could you help me, maybe post
> some code? I would really
> appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> Cesar

maybe you would want to post *your* code so we can see exactly *how* 
you're trying  to do this?

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