POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : 3ds -> pov, c++ open source lib? Server Time
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  3ds -> pov, c++ open source lib? (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Felix
Subject: 3ds -> pov, c++ open source lib?
Date: 15 Jun 2005 09:45:01
Message: <web.42b0309eb9580dd145a45dce0@news.povray.org>
i need to write a *.3ds to *.pov converter in c++. i have been looking
around for quiet a while, but the only one i found is 3ds2pov.
- is there any other c++ library or tool/converter with source code (!)?
- 3ds2pov seams to be old (1994?!), is it still usable?

thx, felix

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From: Halbert
Subject: Re: 3ds -> pov, c++ open source lib?
Date: 22 Jun 2005 23:25:44
Message: <42ba2bb8$1@news.povray.org>
Felix wrote:
> hi,
> i need to write a *.3ds to *.pov converter in c++. i have been looking
> around for quiet a while, but the only one i found is 3ds2pov.
> - is there any other c++ library or tool/converter with source code (!)?
> - 3ds2pov seams to be old (1994?!), is it still usable?
> thx, felix
I found this sourceforge selection that seems to look like what you are 
interested in. I didn't really look very closely, but it may at least be 
helpful. :)
Good luck.

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From: Halbert
Subject: Re: 3ds -> pov, c++ open source lib?
Date: 22 Jun 2005 23:29:09
Message: <42ba2c85@news.povray.org>
Halbert wrote:
> Felix wrote:
>> hi,
>> i need to write a *.3ds to *.pov converter in c++. i have been looking
>> around for quiet a while, but the only one i found is 3ds2pov.
>> - is there any other c++ library or tool/converter with source code (!)?
>> - 3ds2pov seams to be old (1994?!), is it still usable?
>> thx, felix
> I found this sourceforge selection that seems to look like what you are 
> interested in. I didn't really look very closely, but it may at least be 
> helpful. :)
> Good luck.

sorry :o)
here's the link.


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