POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : Minor "issues" in image.cpp Server Time
22 Dec 2024 17:27:19 EST (-0500)
  Minor "issues" in image.cpp (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Andreas Kaiser
Subject: Minor "issues" in image.cpp
Date: 7 Feb 2004 10:58:33
Message: <dd2a20d3ktgi3d164mpvef79lv8gajdonc@4ax.com>
In image.cpp there are several occurrences of the following

if(fabs(Image->Colour_Map[x].Filter) > EPSILON)
  return false;
if(fabs(Image->Colour_Map[x].Transmit) > EPSILON)
  return false;

As Filter & Transmit are defined as unsigned short it's IMHO useless
to compare the fabs() value against EPSILON.


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