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I want to get information about all places where photons hit some
I have scene like (ascii-art) :
light photons /\
* - - - > - - - -\/ metall ball
/ |
/ |
-----------*---*------- plane y=0
A1 A2
photon bounces off reflecive ball and lands on plane in point A1
I want to have all points A1,A2...An in some i.e. disc file.
I alsow want all additional informations i.e. how big/bright is the spot
that this photon created (i.e. scene with count 5 will have 5 very bright
and large spots, and count 10000 will give nice shape created from many
small spots).
IMHO there are 2 possibilities
1. to interprate binary data created by photons { save_data }
2. to add in sources function to fprintf(...) data into some file in text
1 - where can I find description of this format ?
2 - is there some function that is called whenever photon hit's an surface
(during shooting photons) ?
#macro g(U,V)(.4*abs(sin(9*sqrt(pow(x-U,2)+pow(y-V,2))))*pow(1-min(1,(sqrt(
pow(x-U,2)+pow(y-V,2))*.3)),2)+.9)#end#macro p(c)#if(c>1)#local l=mod(c,100
);g(2*div(l,10)-8,2*mod(l,10)-8)*p(div(c,100))#else 1#end#end light_source{
y 2}sphere{z*20 9pigment{function{p(26252423)*p(36455644)*p(66656463)}}}//M
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"Rafal 'Raf256' Maj" <raf### [at] raf256com> wrote in
news:Xns### [at] 204213191226
> 1 - where can I find description of this format ?
> 2 - is there some function that is called whenever photon hit's an
> surface (during shooting photons) ?
It seems that nobody know the answare here ? Or maybe my question was
unclear ? How can I contact author of photons code ?
#macro g(U,V)(.4*abs(sin(9*sqrt(pow(x-U,2)+pow(y-V,2))))*pow(1-min(1,(sqrt(
pow(x-U,2)+pow(y-V,2))*.3)),2)+.9)#end#macro p(c)#if(c>1)#local l=mod(c,100
);g(2*div(l,10)-8,2*mod(l,10)-8)*p(div(c,100))#else 1#end#end light_source{
y 2}sphere{z*20 9pigment{function{p(26252423)*p(36455644)*p(66656463)}}}//M
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In article <Xns### [at] 204213191226>, "Rafal 'Raf256' Maj"
<raf### [at] raf256com> wrote:
>> 1 - where can I find description of this format ?
>> 2 - is there some function that is called whenever photon hit's an
>> surface (during shooting photons) ?
> It seems that nobody know the answare here
Maybe you should wait more than about half a day before assuming this? Not
everybody is is your timezone and will read posts instantly. Sleep is
required (occasionally) even for programmers ;-)
As far as your question is concerned, did you consider looking into the
source code? It is not like the names of functions make it difficult to
guess what they do. For example savePhotonMap or ShootPhotonsAtObject...
> How can I contact author of photons code ?
By locating his name in either the source code or the user manual? Then it
would be easy to find his email address on this news server!
In the manual, read sections 8.2 The POV-Team and 8.4 Suggested Reading.
Oh, and check <http://www.nathan.kopp.com/photons.htm> for other details.
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trfde
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
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"Rafal 'Raf256' Maj" <raf### [at] raf256com> wrote...
> 1 - where can I find description of this format ?
> 2 - is there some function that is called whenever photon hit's an surface
> (during shooting photons) ?
1. There is not documentation but you can view the source code. Look at the
funcitons savePhotonMap and loadPhotonMap in photons.cpp.
2. Yes. The funciton is called addSurfacePhoton and is also located in
photons.cpp. Media photons are added using a similar funciton,
addMediaPhoton, also in photons.cpp.
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"Nathan Kopp" <pov### [at] nkoppmailshellcom> wrote in
>> 1 - where can I find description of this format ?
>> 2 - is there some function that is called whenever photon hit's an
>> surface (during shooting photons) ?
> Answers:
> 1. There is not documentation but you can view the source code. Look
> at the funcitons savePhotonMap and loadPhotonMap in photons.cpp.
> 2. Yes. The funciton is called addSurfacePhoton and is also located
> in photons.cpp. Media photons are added using a similar funciton,
> addMediaPhoton, also in photons.cpp.
Thank You :)
If I will have luck - maybe I will succed in adding small path to speed up
photons (with litlle list of quality, but quality/speed ratio can be
conrolled by user :)
#macro g(U,V)(.4*abs(sin(9*sqrt(pow(x-U,2)+pow(y-V,2))))*pow(1-min(1,(sqrt(
pow(x-U,2)+pow(y-V,2))*.3)),2)+.9)#end#macro p(c)#if(c>1)#local l=mod(c,100
);g(2*div(l,10)-8,2*mod(l,10)-8)*p(div(c,100))#else 1#end#end light_source{
y 2}sphere{z*20 9pigment{function{p(26252423)*p(36455644)*p(66656463)}}}//M
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