at the moment the sturmian root solver calculates all roots in the
interval [0, MAX_DISTANCE] even if some of these roots are not needed at
all. I suggest the following changes to speed up the sturmian root solver:
- Add two arguments to Solve_Polynomial(), DBL min_bound and DBL
max_bound with default values of 0 and MAX_DISTANCE. Prototype:
int Solve_Polynomial (int n, DBL *c, DBL *r, int sturm, DBL epsilon,
const TraceThreadData *Thread, DBL min_bound = 0, DBL max_bound =
- Add two arguments to polysolve() replacing DBL min_value and DBL
max_value with default values of 0 and MAX_DISTANCE. Prototype:
static int polysolve (int order, DBL *Coeffs, DBL *roots, DBL min_value =
0, DBL max_value = MAX_DISTANCE);
- In Solve_Polynomial(), pass min_bound and max_bound to polysolve().
- For all shapes that support the sturmian root solver, pass the smallest
and greatest intersection depths of its bounding volume to
Solve_Polynomial(). This may require more expensive bounding volume tests
in some cases but often the depths can be calculated with minimal effort.
I implemented this suggestion for the blob primitive (with keyword sturm)
which decreased the render time of a test scene considerably. (~50% speed
up with the blob hand from the documentation using sturm keyword)
I also implemented an ad hoc adjustment of max_value by inspecting the
polynomial which leads to a minor speed up for all shapes that support
sturm. If you understand German you can find information about it at
Lukas Winter
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