POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : Refraction Server Time
21 Dec 2024 20:33:24 EST (-0500)
  Refraction (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: mc
Subject: Refraction
Date: 5 Dec 2007 19:59:20
Message: <47574968$1@news.povray.org>

I'm not sure I understand how it's treated so please enlighten me.  Looking 
at the code, it seems to me that there's a "problem" in the determination of 
refracted rays.

Say you have a glass filled with water as per lousy diagram below
      +-------+      air
      |      |+----------------+
      |      ||                |
air  | glass ||    water      |
      |      ||                |
      |      |+----------------+
      |      +------------------

Say a ray is shot from the right side.
a) ray starts in the air and hits the side of the glass. Ray_Enter() will 
add "glass" to the list of traversed media. A refracted "air/glass" ray is 
b) the refracted ray from (a) will hit the "other" of the glass, in other 
words it exits the glass. Glass is removed from the "stack" by Ray_Exit(). 
A new refracted ray is spawned.

Where I'm not sure I got it straight is that it looks like the refracted ray 
in b) is going to be "glass/air" instead of "glass/water" as we don't know 
yet that water will be hit.

Comments are most welcome.

Best regards,


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From: ingo
Subject: Re: Refraction
Date: 8 Dec 2007 14:11:58
Message: <Xns9A00CD7B34084seed7@news.povray.org>
in news:47574968$1@news.povray.org mc wrote:

> Where I'm not sure I got it straight is that it looks like the
> refracted ray in b) is going to be "glass/air" instead of
> "glass/water" as we don't know yet that water will be hit.

From a modelling point of view, to get a better visual result, modell 
the water so it slightly overlaps the glass, no air gap between the 

A solution in the POV-Ray source was once posted by Ron Parker in 
comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing. Couldn't find is posting with a 
quick search...


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From: mc
Subject: Re: Refraction
Date: 10 Dec 2007 17:11:50
Message: <475db9a6$1@news.povray.org>
Thank you.

"ingo" <ing### [at] tagpovrayorg> wrote in message 
> in news:47574968$1@news.povray.org mc wrote:
>> Where I'm not sure I got it straight is that it looks like the
>> refracted ray in b) is going to be "glass/air" instead of
>> "glass/water" as we don't know yet that water will be hit.
> From a modelling point of view, to get a better visual result, modell
> the water so it slightly overlaps the glass, no air gap between the
> two.
> A solution in the POV-Ray source was once posted by Ron Parker in
> comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing. Couldn't find is posting with a
> quick search...
> ingo

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