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  Linux-Expert/POV-Ray Help needed (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: Theo Gottwald * * *
Subject: Linux-Expert/POV-Ray Help needed
Date: 26 May 2005 07:54:52
Message: <4295b90c$1@news.povray.org>
Hello all,

I just got a parcel from Steve, containing a LINUX-RenderAgent Script for 
use together with SMPOV.

It would enable to use any /-IX PC (UNIX etc.) as a Renderclient with SMPOV.

At a final stage we run intotrouble with the ".bmp" Format we got from the 
POVRAY finaly on the LINUX-side. Actually it seems not to be eqal to what we 
get on the Windows side therefore PicPender seems not to be able to stick 
thoise pieces together.

As I do not have any IX Os and wont install one ever, here the IX Community 
is asked to give advice on this problem.

Please mal me directly on the Mailadress you find on my WEB-Site if you want 
contrivute to the project.

My plan is that:
You'll be sent those IX-Script-files from steve and get the change to make 
the resulting "tiles" compatible with the windows versions.

Everything else should work fine so far.


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From: Le Forgeron
Subject: Re: Linux-Expert/POV-Ray Help needed
Date: 26 May 2005 09:50:30
Message: <4295d426$1@news.povray.org>
Hash: SHA1

Theo Gottwald * * * wrote:

> At a final stage we run intotrouble with the ".bmp" Format we got from the 
> POVRAY finaly on the LINUX-side. Actually it seems not to be eqal to what we 
> get on the Windows side therefore PicPender seems not to be able to stick 
> thoise pieces together.

Well, bmp is only the SYSTEM format for Windows...
What make you expect to get the same default for SYSTEM format on Unix.
Spec of 3.1e gives the SYSTEM format on unix as Targa, and allow to
switch it to either PPM or PNG.
I do not know what is the current choice for Unix sourcecode, but bmp
format just sucks!

> My plan is that:
> You'll be sent those IX-Script-files from steve and get the change to make 
> the resulting "tiles" compatible with the windows versions.

Better and simpler: move your script for a fixed file format.
That way, you will get the same format from all platform.
Then you can thing about compatibility.

My preference would go for 8bit per channel PNG, but you might vary.
+FN !

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From: Christoph Hormann
Subject: Re: Linux-Expert/POV-Ray Help needed
Date: 26 May 2005 10:15:02
Message: <d74ldh$hu4$1@chho.imagico.de>
Le Forgeron wrote:
> Well, bmp is only the SYSTEM format for Windows...
> What make you expect to get the same default for SYSTEM format on Unix.
> Spec of 3.1e gives the SYSTEM format on unix as Targa, and allow to
> switch it to either PPM or PNG.
> I do not know what is the current choice for Unix sourcecode,

It's PNG.

Of course you should explicitly set the format to use if your program 
depends on it.

> but bmp
> format just sucks!

Actually i'd say there is no purpose for which BMP would be a good 
choice of image format.

BTW this thread is off-topic in this group.


POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 03 May. 2005 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______

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From: Theo Gottwald * * *
Subject: Re: Linux-Expert/POV-Ray Help needed
Date: 26 May 2005 11:20:00
Message: <4295e920$1@news.povray.org>
Thanks for answering,

We use BMP cause its the format that can most easily be appended.
As said before I do not need it personally, as I avoid anithing with IX for 
my personal use actually.

Which group would be the right group for my question for a LINUX-Scripter?


"Christoph Hormann" <chr### [at] gmxde> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
> Le Forgeron wrote:
>> Well, bmp is only the SYSTEM format for Windows...
>> What make you expect to get the same default for SYSTEM format on Unix.
>> Spec of 3.1e gives the SYSTEM format on unix as Targa, and allow to
>> switch it to either PPM or PNG.
>> I do not know what is the current choice for Unix sourcecode,
> It's PNG.
> Of course you should explicitly set the format to use if your program 
> depends on it.
>> but bmp
>> format just sucks!
> Actually i'd say there is no purpose for which BMP would be a good choice 
> of image format.
> BTW this thread is off-topic in this group.
> Christoph
> -- 
> POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
> HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
> Last updated 03 May. 2005 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______

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From: Christoph Hormann
Subject: Re: Linux-Expert/POV-Ray Help needed
Date: 26 May 2005 14:25:02
Message: <d7540j$khv$1@chho.imagico.de>
Theo Gottwald * * * wrote:
> We use BMP cause its the format that can most easily be appended.

That is not correct - in fact through the different compressend and 
uncompressed subformats BMP is particularly difficult to handle.

> As said before I do not need it personally, as I avoid anithing with IX for 
> my personal use actually.

You should note that while BMP is a platform specific format PNG, PPM, 
TGA and others are not.  So if you have strong preferences concerning 
use of computer platforms it is inconsequent to rely on a format that is 
strongly platform specific.


POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
Last updated 03 May. 2005 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______

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