I want to get models for the cool city generator and bring it into
Truespace, but can't figure out how! Is there a converter for this? BTW,
the don't know how POV works, because scripting is beyond me! thanks in
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"DJ" <joh### [at] yahoocom> wrote:
> I want to get models for the cool city generator and bring it into
> Truespace, but can't figure out how! Is there a converter for this? BTW,
Generally, no. This is found in the POV-Ray Documentation. This is because
POV-Ray uses words to describe shapes (e.g. box { ... }, sphere { ... })
rather than fixed points/nurbs/triangles/etc, which is what 3ds or obj
uses. Reverse conversion is possible, however, because meshes and the like
can be used in POV-Ray when converted into the necessary text-based format.
You may find it easier simply to use POV-Ray.
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