I see that the windows source for version 3.6 only comes with project files
for Visual Studio .NET.
I only have VS 6.
Has anyone tried compiling it with VC6? If so, is there somewhere to
download the workspace/project files? I've looked around and couldn't find
In article <41572098$1@news.povray.org> , "Pontius" <mfb### [at] mchsicom>
> I see that the windows source for version 3.6 only comes with project files> for Visual Studio .NET.>> I only have VS 6.>> Has anyone tried compiling it with VC6? If so, is there somewhere to> download the workspace/project files? I've looked around and couldn't find> a
POV-Ray will not compile because the VC 6 compiler does not support all
standard features of C++. VC 6 is very old (six years iirc). You will need
VC 7.1 (aka VC 2003) to compile the POV-Ray source code.
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trfde
Visit POV-Ray on the web: http://mac.povray.org
"Thorsten Froehlich" <tho### [at] trfde> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> In article <41572098$1@news.povray.org> , "Pontius" <mfb### [at] mchsicom>> wrote:>> > I see that the windows source for version 3.6 only comes with project
> > for Visual Studio .NET.> >> > I only have VS 6.> >> > Has anyone tried compiling it with VC6? If so, is there somewhere to> > download the workspace/project files? I've looked around and couldn't
> > a>> POV-Ray will not compile because the VC 6 compiler does not support all> standard features of C++. VC 6 is very old (six years iirc). You will
> VC 7.1 (aka VC 2003) to compile the POV-Ray source code.>
which you can get for free here, just in case you didn't know: