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t1 = (-b + d) / a;
t2 = (-b - d) / a;
z = P[Z] + t1 * D[Z];
if ((t1 > Cone_Tolerance) && (t1 < Max_Distance) && (z >= 0.0) && (z <=
Intersection[i].d = t1 / len;
Intersection[i++].t = SIDE_HIT;
z = P[Z] + t2 * D[Z];
if ((t2 > Cone_Tolerance) && (t1 < Max_Distance) && (z >= 0.0) && (z <=
Intersection[i].d = t2 / len;
This is a snippet from cones.cpp (lines ~ 220-235). In the second 'if'
I think the second test should be .. && (t2 < Max_Distance). And the
same typo is at line 291 in the same file.
The question concerns the divisions t1 / len and t2 /len. I think
that you should test for the validity of the intersection after the
division because otherwise you could discard some objects based on
a 'transformed' distance rather the real one.
The following example show the problem, you have 2 objects of the same
size and at the same distance from the camera. With a value of 100000
for the variable Scale you see only one, while if you use a value of
10000 you'll see both. The simple way to solve it, is to do the division
before the test. An other one could be to avoid the normalization of the
direction of the ray, it appears to me useless.
HTH Massimo
#declare Scale=100000;
camera { location <30*Scale, 0, 0> look_at <0, 0, 0> }
light_source { <15*Scale, 0, 0>, rgb <1, 1, 1> }
cylinder {
<0, 0, 0>, <-1, 0, 0> Scale
pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 0> }
scale <1, 5, 10>
translate <0,0,10*Scale>
cylinder {
<0, 0, 0>, <-1, 0, 0> 10*Scale
pigment { color rgb <1, 0, 0> }
scale <.1, .5, 1>
translate <0,0,-10*Scale>
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Massimo Valentini wrote:
> This is a snippet from cones.cpp (lines ~ 220-235). In the second 'if'
> I think the second test should be .. && (t2 < Max_Distance). And the
> same typo is at line 291 in the same file.
I seems to agree with you, at least on the t1 vs t2 issue.
> The question concerns the divisions t1 / len and t2 /len. I think
> that you should test for the validity of the intersection after the
> division because otherwise you could discard some objects based on
> a 'transformed' distance rather the real one.
I do not see why there is a limitation at Max_Distance,
I would simply remove that part of the test (It looks like an old
optimisation: if it is enough away, remove it... it's bad, IMHO).
> An other one could be to avoid the normalization of the
> direction of the ray, it appears to me useless.
It is NOT useless. When CSG operation/object (union & merge, at least)
will ask its component, it will orders the intersections by depth order
before answering to the upper level. Thus, putting back the depth from
object space to global space is mandatory (otherwise, strange things
will happens).
Same goes when more than a single cone/cylinder get intersected by the
ray, the engine need to order them correctly, in the global space!
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From: Massimo Valentini
Subject: Re: cones.cpp: A typo and a question.
Date: 7 Oct 2002 12:34:15
Message: <3da1b787@news.povray.org>
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"Le Forgeron" ha scritto
: > An other one could be to avoid the normalization of the
: > direction of the ray, it appears to me useless.
: It is NOT useless. When CSG operation/object (union & merge, at least)
: will ask its component, it will orders the intersections by depth order
: before answering to the upper level. Thus, putting back the depth from
: object space to global space is mandatory (otherwise, strange things
: will happens).
: Same goes when more than a single cone/cylinder get intersected by the
: ray, the engine need to order them correctly, in the global space!
I try to show what I mean. You are first scaling the direction
<CODE src=cones.cpp lines=197-200>
MInvTransDirection(D, Ray->Direction, Cone->Trans);
VLength(len, D);
VInverseScaleEq(D, len);
This last line is a macro for a vector/scalar division:
D = D / len
Doing so results in a scaling of the coefficients (a & b)
of the 2nd order equation you are going to solve:
<CODE src=cones.cpp lines=206-213>
a = D[X] * D[X] + D[Y] * D[Y];
if (a > EPSILON)
b = P[X] * D[X] + P[Y] * D[Y];
c = P[X] * P[X] + P[Y] * P[Y] - 1.0;
And now you are required to scale the solution:
<CODE src= cones.cpp lines=220-228>
t1 = (-b + d) / a;
t2 = (-b - d) / a;
z = P[Z] + t1 * D[Z];
if ((t1 > Cone_Tolerance) && (t1 < Max_Distance) && (z >= 0.0) && (z <=
Intersection[i].d = t1 / len;
Suppose not to scale D, I name this not scaled direction D`
and D the direction that's actually used. It is:
D` = D * len
The resulting equation would be
a` * t`^2 + b` * t` + c = 0
a` = D`[X] * D`[X] + D`[Y] * D`[Y]
= (D[X] * D[X] + D[Y] * D[Y]) * len ^ 2
= a * len ^ 2
and b` = b * len
and whose solutions are t1,2` = t1,2 / len.
a` * t`^2 + b` * t` + c =
a * len^2 * (t / len)^2 + b * len * (t / len) + c =
a * t ^ 2 + b * t + c = 0
Exactly the previous solution only already scaled, so ready to
be used in global space sorting, testing, whatever necessary.
z` = P[Z] + t` * D`[Z]
= P[Z] + (t / len) * (D[Z] * len)
= P[Z] + t * D[Z] = z
The same z ready to be tested against 0 and 1.
So avoiding the normalization of the direction only saves a sqrt
(no need to calculate len) and some multiplications and divisions
but gives you the same result this function is returning.
The same reasoning is valid for the cone intersections.
If you want to try what I'm suggesting, assign 1.0 to len where this
is declared, and then comment out the computation of len.
<CODE lines=188-200>
DBL a, b, c, z, t1, t2, len = 1.0;//<------
DBL d;
/* Transform the ray into the cones space */
MInvTransPoint(P, Ray->Initial, Cone->Trans);
MInvTransDirection(D, Ray->Direction, Cone->Trans);
// VLength(len, D);// <------------------------
// VInverseScaleEq(D, len); //<----------------
HTH Massimo
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From: Le Forgeron
Subject: Re: cones.cpp: A typo and a question.
Date: 8 Oct 2002 05:30:40
Message: <3DA2A5CA.50109@free.fr>
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Massimo Valentini wrote:
> "Le Forgeron" ha scritto
> :
> : > An other one could be to avoid the normalization of the
> : > direction of the ray, it appears to me useless.
> :
> : It is NOT useless. When CSG operation/object (union & merge, at least)
> : will ask its component, it will orders the intersections by depth order
> : before answering to the upper level. Thus, putting back the depth from
> : object space to global space is mandatory (otherwise, strange things
> : will happens).
> :
> : Same goes when more than a single cone/cylinder get intersected by the
> : ray, the engine need to order them correctly, in the global space!
> :
> I try to show what I mean. You are first scaling the direction
Ok... I understand better what you wanted.
I first thought that you wanted only to remove the division of the depth.
So, far, your suggestion looks ok, and it might deserves a study of the
code, as well as experiments (just to check there is no adverse effect
due to a precision problem...probably not, but I'm afraid of sturm
solver effects). The study should also find out if there is any speed-up
(or slow down) with the new code. (and by how much).
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"Massimo Valentini" ha scritto
: I try to show what I mean. You are first scaling the direction
: <CODE src=cones.cpp lines=197-200>
: MInvTransDirection(D, Ray->Direction, Cone->Trans);
: VLength(len, D);
: VInverseScaleEq(D, len);
: </CODE>
: This last line is a macro for a vector/scalar division:
: D = D / len
: Doing so results in a scaling of the coefficients (a & b)
: of the 2nd order equation you are going to solve:
: <CODE src=cones.cpp lines=206-213>
: a = D[X] * D[X] + D[Y] * D[Y];
: if (a > EPSILON)
: {
This solution is not equivalent to the original code.
This condition is different whether you scale the direction
or not. May be there could be a way to avoid the square root (e.g.
expressing this condition if (a > EPSILON*len^2)) but it'd require
some work analyzing the code for both cones and cylinders.
So you may either remove the condition for intersctions over
Max_Distance, or shift the divisions t1,2/len before the test against
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Massimo Valentini wrote:
> "Massimo Valentini" ha scritto
> This solution is not equivalent to the original code.
> This condition is different whether you scale the direction
> or not. May be there could be a way to avoid the square root (e.g.
> expressing this condition if (a > EPSILON*len^2)) but it'd require
> some work analyzing the code for both cones and cylinders.
The (a > EPSILON) is used to avoid numerical error (division by 0 and
alike, division by very small value gives a great inaccuracy)
EPSILON testing is also used later to avoid reflecting on the same
object forever
(First ray hit the object, then you compute a ray from the hit point...
if EPSILON is not used, due to numerical error, the new ray may find
again the same point [well, mathemacally, it is the same, but
numerically it may be a little different so that testing would not
detect it... hence the EPSILON : when the eye is near enough the
surface, the surface should be removed... Epsilon is an arbitrary value,
so using EPSILON or EPSILON*len^2 should not be of too much concern for
reasonnable value of len {ok, I might be contradicted by a scene...})
Sidenote: (a > EPSILON) and (t1 > EPSILON) show no correlation on the
value of EPSILON, so there is probably no problem at all!
> So you may either remove the condition for intersctions over
> Max_Distance, or shift the divisions t1,2/len before the test against
> Max_Distance.
Test against Max_distance is unrelated with Epsilon value, and is any
way a candidate for removal...
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From: Massimo Valentini
Subject: Re: cones.cpp: A typo and a question.
Date: 8 Oct 2002 13:00:15
Message: <3da30f1f@news.povray.org>
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"Le Forgeron" ha scritto
: Massimo Valentini wrote:
: > This condition is different whether you scale the direction
: > or not. May be there could be a way to avoid the square root (e.g.
: > expressing this condition if (a > EPSILON*len^2)) but it'd require
: > some work analyzing the code for both cones and cylinders.
: >
: The (a > EPSILON) is used to avoid numerical error (division by 0 and
: alike, division by very small value gives a great inaccuracy)
This is what I thought at first. But this condition has a geometrical
meaning too. In fact 'a' is the square of the sin of the angle formed
by the ray and the cylindrical axis, when calculated with ||D|| (length
of D, the norm) == 1, while when D isn't normalized it is the sin of the
same angle multiplied by the square of len .
Obviously, if the ray is (close to be) parallel to the axis, the solution
is either impossible or indeterminate, the ray does not intersect the
cylindrical surface or it lies entirely on it.
Given the fact that I'm not aware of the range of variability of len
after transformation, it appears now a little more complex to evaluate
whether the removal of the normalization has an impact only on some
border case (tiny cylinders in kilometers wide panoramas) or it's
influencing some real and well looking scene.
I was thinking to suggest a simple fix to a border case strangeness
with no impact on the great majority of the scenes, but now it appears
that a little more testing is necessary for evaluating both the
performance and the rendering impact.
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From: Massimo Valentini
Subject: Re: cones.cpp: A typo and a question.
Date: 12 Oct 2002 05:03:03
Message: <3da7e547@news.povray.org>
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"Massimo Valentini" ha scritto
: :
: : <CODE src=cones.cpp lines=206-213>
: : a = D[X] * D[X] + D[Y] * D[Y];
: :
: : if (a > EPSILON)
: : {
: This solution is not equivalent to the original code.
: This condition is different whether you scale the direction
: or not. May be there could be a way to avoid the square root (e.g.
: expressing this condition if (a > EPSILON*len^2)) but it'd require
: some work analyzing the code for both cones and cylinders.
It seems to be worth the effort, I patched the function intersect_cone
in order to avoid the normalization of the ray direction and with some
simple tests, based on scenes constituted mostly by cylinders, this
patch saves a tenth of the total time and the image is the same produced
by the original povray.
Comments, hints and counter-examples are appreciated.
Here's the patch and an example I used to time the differences:
static int intersect_cone(RAY *Ray, CONE *Cone, CONE_INT *Intersection)
int i = 0;
DBL a, b, c, z, t1, t2, squared_len;
DBL d;
/* Transform the ray into the cones space */
MInvTransPoint(P, Ray->Initial, Cone->Trans);
MInvTransDirection(D, Ray->Direction, Cone->Trans);
a = D[X] * D[X] + D[Y] * D[Y];
squared_len = a + D[Z] * D[Z];
if (Test_Flag(Cone, CYLINDER_FLAG))
/* Solve intersections with a cylinder */
if (a > EPSILON * squared_len)
b = P[X] * D[X] + P[Y] * D[Y];
c = P[X] * P[X] + P[Y] * P[Y] - 1.0;
d = b * b - a * c;
if (d >= 0.0)
d = sqrt(d);
t1 = (-b + d) / a;
t2 = (-b - d) / a;
z = P[Z] + t1 * D[Z];
if ((t1 > Cone_Tolerance) && (t1 < Max_Distance) && (z >= 0.0) && (z <= 1.0))
Intersection[i].d = t1;
Intersection[i++].t = SIDE_HIT;
z = P[Z] + t2 * D[Z];
if ((t2 > Cone_Tolerance) && (t2 < Max_Distance) && (z >= 0.0) && (z <= 1.0))
Intersection[i].d = t2;
Intersection[i++].t = SIDE_HIT;
/* Solve intersections with a cone */
a -= D[Z] * D[Z];
b = D[X] * P[X] + D[Y] * P[Y] - D[Z] * P[Z];
c = P[X] * P[X] + P[Y] * P[Y] - P[Z] * P[Z];
if (fabs(a) < EPSILON * squared_len)
if (fabs(b) > EPSILON * sqrt(squared_len))
/* One intersection */
t1 = -c / (2 * b);
z = P[Z] + t1 * D[Z];
if ((t1 > Cone_Tolerance) && (t1 < Max_Distance) && (z >= Cone->dist) && (z <=
Intersection[i].d = t1;
Intersection[i++].t = SIDE_HIT;
/* Check hits against the side of the cone */
d = b * b - a * c;
if (d >= 0.0)
d = sqrt(d);
t1 = (-b - d) / a;
t2 = (-b + d) / a;
z = P[Z] + t1 * D[Z];
if ((t1 > Cone_Tolerance) && (t1 < Max_Distance) && (z >= Cone->dist) && (z <=
Intersection[i].d = t1;
Intersection[i++].t = SIDE_HIT;
z = P[Z] + t2 * D[Z];
if ((t2 > Cone_Tolerance) && (t2 < Max_Distance) && (z >= Cone->dist) && (z <=
Intersection[i].d = t2;
Intersection[i++].t = SIDE_HIT;
if (Test_Flag(Cone, CLOSED_FLAG) && (fabs(D[Z]) > EPSILON))
d = (1.0 - P[Z]) / D[Z];
a = (P[X] + d * D[X]);
b = (P[Y] + d * D[Y]);
if (((Sqr(a) + Sqr(b)) <= 1.0) && (d > Cone_Tolerance) && (d < Max_Distance))
Intersection[i].d = d;
Intersection[i++].t = CAP_HIT;
d = (Cone->dist - P[Z]) / D[Z];
a = (P[X] + d * D[X]);
b = (P[Y] + d * D[Y]);
if ((Sqr(a) + Sqr(b)) <= (Test_Flag(Cone, CYLINDER_FLAG) ? 1.0 : Sqr(Cone->dist))
&& (d > Cone_Tolerance) && (d < Max_Distance))
Intersection[i].d = d;
Intersection[i++].t = BASE_HIT;
if (i)
return (i);
#macro Dr(F,D) #local N = vlength(D);#declare D = D / N;
#while (N >= 0) cylinder {z,-z,0.3 translate F+D*N}
#declare N=N-1;#end#end
difference {
cylinder { z*.09, z*.01, 9 }
Dr(<-6, -3, 0>, 6*y)
Dr(<-6, 3, 0>, <1.6, -2, 0>)
Dr(<-3, 3, 0>,<-1.6, -2, 0>)
Dr(<-3, -3, 0>, 6*y)
Dr(<-2, -3, 0>, 5*y)
Dr(<-1.75, 3, 0>, 3*x)
Dr(<2, -3, 0>, 5*y)
Dr(<-2, 0, 0>, 4*x)
Dr(<3, -3.2, 0>, 1.1*<3, 6, 0>)
Dr(<6, -3.2, 0>, 1.1*<-3, 6, 0>)
pigment { color rgb <1, 0, 0> }
cylinder { <0,-100, 110> <0,100,110> 100 pigment {rgb <0,0,1>} }
light_source { <0, 0, -10>, rgb <1, 1, 1> }
camera {location <12, -15, -1.75> look_at 10*z }
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Massimo Valentini wrote:
> "Massimo Valentini" ha scritto
> : :
> : : <CODE src=cones.cpp lines=206-213>
> : : a = D[X] * D[X] + D[Y] * D[Y];
> : :
> : : if (a > EPSILON)
> : : {
> :
> : This solution is not equivalent to the original code.
> :
> : This condition is different whether you scale the direction
> : or not. May be there could be a way to avoid the square root (e.g.
> : expressing this condition if (a > EPSILON*len^2)) but it'd require
> : some work analyzing the code for both cones and cylinders.
> :
> It seems to be worth the effort, I patched the function intersect_cone
> in order to avoid the normalization of the ray direction and with some
> simple tests, based on scenes constituted mostly by cylinders, this
> patch saves a tenth of the total time and the image is the same produced
> by the original povray.
> Comments, hints and counter-examples are appreciated.
NO MORE INLINE here please (even binary... ).
I made also some tests based on 3.1 sources (I'm not yet ready for 3.5)
and get also a feeling of speed, but I forgot that I updated my compiler
in the meantime, so the result are meaningless (until I revert to the
old code and compile again...)
Mathematically, the correction is ok.
correcting the EPSILON factor is IMHO useless, just keep it "(a>EPSILON)".
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In article <3DA### [at] freefr>, Le Forgeron <jgr### [at] freefr>
> NO MORE INLINE here please (even binary... ).
Huh? It is attachments that are forbidden outside the binary groups,
in-line code like this is fine. This was a bit long, but not
unacceptable in my opinion.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlinknet>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tagpovrayorg
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