I'm not happy with this quickres.ini pull down menu.
User definable is a good thing, but in this case I believe that a
series of predefined menus would be faster and more flexible to use.
How about removing those ridiculous internet links and get several
pull down menus instead, that is:
|400x300| |am1 0.3| |png| |X10| |D|
.. .. .. .. ..
800x600 am1 0.2 tga X15 -
1024x768 am2 0.1 bmp C
usw. ..
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On Tue, 04 Jan 2000 21:28:28 +0100, in message
<387257EC.F78B665C@stud.ntnu.no>, Sigmund Kyrre Aas <as### [at] studntnuno>
>I'm not happy with this quickres.ini pull down menu.
>User definable is a good thing, but in this case I believe that a
>series of predefined menus would be faster and more flexible to use.
This thread should be posted in p.windows.
You are not limited to using quickres.ini for the pulldown menu. You
can write your own .ini and select it for use by pressing ALT+C.
See my example .ini in the p.windows group, subject line entitled,
"render .ini for POV-Ray for Windows (and others)", posted 08-Dec-1999.
The message i.d. is js2u4sc2gdf6gttdprnsjdj69g40hsv2d9@4ax.com.
ako### [at] povrayorg
a k o n g <at> p o v r a y <dot> o r g
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