> agree that the distribution fonts aren't "a good test". fwiw, two have some
> usable/useful glyphs above 127, see attached.
> regards, jr.
clipka said that they're "borked".
jr's table macro would be a great addition to the scripts that render all the
illustrations for the distribution - in the insert menu, etc.
Going through all of the .fon, .ttf, files and checking to see if there's a
corresponding jpg, png, bmp, and then rendering the ones that don't would be a
nice way to allow periodic updating of the font/include directory as new fonts
are added. (date, time, font name, full path) It's def a good tool to help
unravel the complex morass which are fonts and how the different versions of
POV-Ray interpret them with/without the utf8 keyword.
(That would also be a good addition: side-by-side comparison of the same font
with & without the utf8 keyword)
It's also a great way to show someone the contents of a typeface file before
they decide to hunt it down and download/install it on their system.
The chili is definitely spicy.
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