"tx2378" <tx2### [at] naranjaplatanocom> wrote:
> utf8 escape sequence "\u00ed" is bad displayed.
> See this text sentence:
> text{ttf "times" "El aj\u00ed estaba picante" 0 0 scale 100}
> How can I resolve this issue?
First of all, if you aren't already using global_settings { charset utf8 }, you
need to do so.
But it seems that *none* of the lowercase i glyphs with diacriticals display
properly, with most of the fonts I've tried. The newer generation Microsoft
fonts do work, though; try "cambria".
N.B. to jr: The fonts bundled with POV-Ray are all pure nonsense outside the
7-bit ASCII range. They are not a good test of anything.
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