POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : calculation for pixel normal value and color value in source code : Re: calculation for pixel normal value and color value in source code Server Time
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  Re: calculation for pixel normal value and color value in source code  
From: Yunying
Date: 11 Feb 2010 05:45:01
Message: <web.4b73ded1730e10ad25acb1ab0@news.povray.org>
Warp <war### [at] tagpovrayorg> wrote:
> You might be able to do that without having to modify the source code.
>   Define three pigments, each using a slope_map oriented towards each of
> the main axes, and each using one of the RGB components as its color map
> (ie. the first would be from black to red, the second from black to green,
> and so on). Then use the average of these pigments as your overall pigment
> of the object.
> --
>                                                           - Warp

Thanks so much for your reply. But I cannot understand very well how to define
the pigments by using the method you suggested? I am so sorry, I really very
fresh for using pov-ray, so far what I know is only about those basic knowledge
about pov-ray. So if you can, can you show me a simple code example about how to
do this by using your above suggestion? Thank you very much.

  Besides this, I want to ask another question. If I use this method, the result
I get will be the normal value of each pixel, right? so it means the final
picture the pov-ray generate will be a normal value (for each pixel) picture
instead of a general picture, right?

  Does it means I have to modify each picture's pigment value, for example, if I
download some pov-ray models, Do I need to edit every pigment value of all the
model programs? Is there a way which I only need to edit one part of the
code(e.g. source code), so I do not need to edit every model code.

  Please give me some guide about it, can? Thank you so much about it.

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