POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : calculation for pixel normal value and color value in source code : calculation for pixel normal value and color value in source code Server Time
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   calculation for pixel normal value and color value in source code  
From: Yunying
Date: 9 Feb 2010 08:05:01
Message: <web.4b715ce7d5392ef2526dee060@news.povray.org>
Hi, I am a begineer for Pov-Ray. I am doing a school project which requires me
to use pov-ray to generate a picture which each pixel value actually represent
its normal value.

  My supervisor told me I can just replace the color value(R,G,B)of each pixel
by that pixel's normal value(x,y,z).(P.S. I have tried to use this method to
edit the tutorial example in 'Introduction to POV-Ray'(SDL Tutorial: A
raytracer, p.g. 176. and could get the normal_value picture I want).

  However, the tutorial I tried is only suitable for generating spheres, if I
want to generate a more complex picture, I don't know how to do. Do I need to
edit the source code? or anybody can tell me where I can find
the source code which calculate each pixel's color and its normal value? then I
can directly use the normal value to replace the color value. If you can, please
tell me the variable name used to represent these two variables? Please please
help!!! it's very important to me.

  Thank you very much!

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