On 04/04/2018 08:28 AM, Sven Littkowski wrote:
> texture
> {
> brick // this pattern is just ideal for planks
> MyWoodTexture
> MyTarInbetweenTexture
> brick_size < 5.00, 0.02, 0.40 > // that equals now to plank size
> mortar 0.01 scale 3.0 // thickness of the material between planks
> }
Pretty sure if you add texture block wrappers around your predefined
textures what you wrote today will work. As in:
texture { MyWoodTexture }
texture { MyTarInbetweenTexture }
brick_size < 5.00, 0.02, 0.40 >
mortar 0.01 scale 3.0
Block pattern texture lists need the texture block indicators. There are
too pavement and tiling patterns. As for your second idea I believe
macros is the only way today.
Bill P.
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