On 01/23/2017 12:06 PM, Benjamin Chambers wrote:
> On 1/23/2017 9:24 AM, Benjamin Chambers wrote:
>> If POV-Ray ever gets a re-write from scratch, it might happen.
>> Otherwise, the current method seems fine.
> Alternatively, we could try implementing it for very specific cases.
> For instance, running hit tests against objects... If you have an area
> light, you could run large arrays of hit tests (16x16 or larger would
> probably benefit from this) against individual objects to see if they
> obscure the light source.
> Also, as a first pass on the scene, you could run hit tests against
> every single object, and generate a map of the intersections.
> Both of those would, of course, be run AFTER bounding-box tests, to skip
> objects entirely.
Thanks for posting your experience.
One of the places I've wondered if we might sneak a look at GPUs near
term would be as one or more, new internal functions for use with
isosurfaces. Specifically isosurfaces needing to evaluate a great many
functions for each evaluation - something not practical today.
Last I looked for my Ubuntu platform (14.04), OpenCL looked messy to
install and run. I bailed before attempting anything!
Bill P.
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