POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : using console version in windows : Re: using console version in windows Server Time
14 Jan 2025 00:27:51 EST (-0500)
  Re: using console version in windows  
From: dick balaska
Date: 5 Apr 2016 16:22:22
Message: <57041e7e$1@news.povray.org>
Am 2016-04-05 13:20, also sprach Le_Forgeron:
> Le 05/04/2016 17:47, dick balaska a écrit :
>> Am 2016-04-05 09:38, also sprach Christian Froeschlin:
>>> On 03.04.2016 15:01, clipka wrote:
>>>> You surely mean Visual Studio, right?
>>> I think he just wants to create a program that writes pov files
>>> based on parameters and then renders via command line. No need to
>>> build own version of pov or use c++ for that.
>> You need to build your own version of povconsole(64).exe. There are no published
executables for that.
> cannot he used the official binary with the right option ?
> such as /NR /EXIT /RENDER and may be /THREADS

I suppose, yes.  It still opens the povwin window though, which is 
annoying if you want to do background renders. (focus stealing monster)


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