POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : toFloat.h missing : Re: toFloat.h missing Server Time
15 Feb 2025 02:00:33 EST (-0500)
  Re: toFloat.h missing  
From: Benjamin Chambers
Date: 24 Sep 2015 17:55:44
Message: <56047160$1@news.povray.org>
On 9/24/2015 1:44 PM, clipka wrote:
> As far as this is concerned, while testing with VS2010 I just noticed
> that the description ("Creating toFloat.h..." or whatever) isn't
> actually printed to the build output even if the custom build step
> obviously runs (as demonstrated by toFloat.h reappearing after having
> been deleted).
> A hint that the custom build step was run seems to be a log file
> generated in "build\toFloat\x64\Release" (in case of building for x64),
> named "toFloat.write.1.tlog".
> If you can't get the Custom Build Step mechanism to do the job, you
> might want to try the Post-Build Event mechanism instead, though IIRC
> there was /something/ undesirable about it.

I've tried both, actually, and neither one indicates in the log file 
that the step was run, nor do they generate the header file.

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