POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : Porting away from VECTOR : Re: Porting away from VECTOR Server Time
9 Nov 2024 04:44:23 EST (-0500)
  Re: Porting away from VECTOR  
From: Nicolas Alvarez
Date: 31 May 2014 23:02:24
Message: <538a97c0@news.povray.org>
Nicolas Alvarez wrote:
> Nicolas Alvarez wrote:
>> I'm seeing a few things in the code that were deprecated, or were
>> partially replaced. For example, VECTOR is a plain array of three
>> doubles, and there are global C-like functions to work with them; but
>> there's also a Vector3d class. Is the intention to eventually port all
>> uses of VECTOR to Vector3d?
> Oh, I see clipka already did most of this porting in the 'refactor' git
> branch :)

Are you planning to merge that back to master anytime soon?

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