POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : Interested in CMake support (build system, IDE integration) : Re: Interested in CMake support (build system, IDE integration) Server Time
15 Feb 2025 01:57:18 EST (-0500)
  Re: Interested in CMake support (build system, IDE integration)  
From: Le Forgeron
Date: 8 Mar 2014 03:26:00
Message: <531ad418$1@news.povray.org>
Le 07/03/2014 22:40, Nicolas Alvarez nous fit lire :
> ideasman42 wrote:
>> Heres the initial effort to support CMake.
>> Currently its a single CMakeLists.txt file, which should be broken up, and
>> theres TODO's listed at the top of the file.
>> Git repo:
>> - https://github.com/ideasman42/povray-cmake
> I'm looking into writing a CMake build system too. I'm not really using your 
> effort as a base, but considering your list of TODOs it would need almost a 
> rewrite anyway. For example, I'm starting straight away with an explicit 
> list of sources instead of globs :)
So, whenever adding a new source file, you also have to know about that
list ? What about the dependencies ? Do you use a Chinese army approach ?

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