POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.pov4.discussion.general : SVG Support / Improved Heightfield feature : Re: SVG Support / Improved Heightfield feature Server Time
5 Nov 2024 11:17:48 EST (-0500)
  Re: SVG Support / Improved Heightfield feature  
From: clipka
Date: 5 Aug 2009 17:44:56
Message: <4a79fd58$1@news.povray.org>
PeYo56 -- MmTr1x3 schrieb:
> For a svg plugin, it not will just work for HF but for texturing or other stuff,
> because the advantage of texturing with povray is for the infinite resolution,
> not like basic image as the games we can play, the advantage of image is to
> create as we want.
> I think that we can create a plugin for add svg when we can use bmp or png, for
> texturing, HF, bumpmap, texturemap (it will increase the experience)

Note that SVG is fundamentally different from bitmap images, which may 
make it significantly more difficult to handle in POV-Ray, and 
eventually have the whole "infinite resolution" advantage break down.

POV-Ray needs to look up texture values on a point-by-point basis; in 
bitmap textures, this is straightforward: Evaluate the 4 closest pixels, 
and interpolate between them (for bilinear interpolation; or a few more 
points for bicubic interpolation).

For function textures, it is straightforward as well: Just evaluate the 
function for the given coordinates; the same principle applies to 
pattern textures.

For SVG, you have two major options: (a) basically evaluate the whole 
SVG over and over again for *every* point to be looked up; the required 
algorithmical and computational effort might be close to that of a 
moderately simple raytracing engine; or (b) evaluate the SVG once, 
somehow caching the data in a lookup structure of inherently limited 
resolution; this of course would forfeit the main benefit of SVG.

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