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  Nobody will read this (Message 1 to 7 of 7)  
From: Orchid Win7 v1
Subject: Nobody will read this
Date: 26 Jul 2013 17:35:43
Message: <51f2ebaf$1@news.povray.org>
I'm going to talk about Haskell. Specifically, I'm going to implement a 
trivial Mandelbrot renderer in Haskell.

This entire message is an executable Haskell program. If you save the 
entire text of this post, unmodified, in a file named Mandelbrot.lhs, 
then you should be able to either load it into a Haskell interpreter, or 
compile it into a standalone binary executable.

The technology that makes this possible is called "literate Haskell". 
It's not what Knuth would regard as proper literate programming, but 
it's a start. Essentially, in a normal Haskell source file (i.e., any 
*.hs file), the compiler assumes that everything is code unless 
explicitly marked as a comment. In a *literate* Haskell file (i.e., any 
*.lhs file), everything is a comment unless explicitly marked as code. 
As far as the compiler is concerned, everything you've read so far is 
just code comments!

In order to mark stuff as code, you just have to begin the line of text 
with ">". So let's write some Haskell code:

 > module Main where

Every *runnable* Haskell program must contain a module who's name is 
exactly "Main", which contains a public function who's name is exactly 
"main", and who's type is exactly "IO ()". Nothing surprising there, then.

Alright, so if we're going to do a Mandelbrot renderer, probably the 
first thing we'll want is complex number arithmetic. The easiest way to 
do that is this:

   import Data.Complex

But where's the fun in that? Nah, let's reimplement it ourselves!

 > data Complex = Cx Double Double

This line of code does several things.

- "data" is a Haskell reversed word. In general, Haskell tends to use 
weird symbols rather than keywords; data is one of a small number of 
exceptions. The data keyword is for defining new data types.

- "Complex" is the name of the new type we're defining. Everything after 
the equals sign is the type definition.

- "Cx" is a 'value constructor function'. It's basically a new 
identifier used for creating and inspecting Complex values. (It'll make 
more sense when I show you some examples.)

- "Double Double" indicates that a Cx record has two (unnamed) fields, 
both of type Double. Haskell's Double type does pretty much what the C 
double type does. (With the exception that Haskell actually *guarantees* 
IEEE-754 double-precision semantics, while C does not.)

[Note: When a type has only one value constructor function, it is 
customary for it to have the same name as the type. In other words,

   data Complex = Complex Double Double

I have deliberately not done this, in the interests of clarity.]

At this point, we can write an expression such as

   Cx 5 7

which constructs a new Complex value, containing the numbers 5 and 7. In 
other words, this represents 5 + 7i. So that's how you put data *into* a 
Complex value; now how do you get it *out* again?

To inspect the contents of a data structure, Haskell uses 'pattern 
matching'. For example:

 > realPart :: Complex -> Double
 > realPart (Cx r i) = r
 > imagPart :: Complex -> Double
 > imagPart (Cx r i) = i

The first line says that "realPart" is a function which takes a Complex 
as input, and returns a Double as output. The second line says how the 
function actually works; the stuff in brackets is a 'pattern'. It 
defines a new variable named "r" and sets it to whatever is in the first 
field of Cx, and a new variable called "i" and sets it to whatever is in 
the second field of Cx. The "realPart" function returns "r", but the 
"imagPart" function returns "i".

At this point, we could say

   realPart (Cx 5 7)

and the answer would be 5.

Note that Haskell uses a syntax that's rather similar to the Unix "sh" 
shell: items are space-delimited, and the *first* item is a function to 
execute. All remaining items are *arguments* to that function. (Brackets 
begin a nested subexpression, where again the first item after the 
open-bracket is a function to execute.) Also like "sh", Haskell has 
normal infix operators such as "+", "-", etc.

Patterns can of course be used for more than just fetching data out of 
structures though. For example,

 > isReal :: Complex -> Bool
 > isReal (Cx r 0) = True
 > isReal _        = False

Here there are two 'equations' for "isReal", each with a different 
pattern. Patterns are tried in the order they're written in the source 
code (so ordering matters!). In this instance, the first pattern matches 
if and only if the imaginary part is exactly 0. Otherwise, the second 
pattern is "_", which is a "match anything" wildcard.

One thing that often confuses newcomers is that Haskell provides 
multiple seemingly equivalent ways to do conditional branching. We could 
easily rewrite the above using an if-expression instead:

   isPart (Cx r i) = if i == 0 then True else False

This is of course equivalent to simply writing

   isReal (Cx r i) = i == 0

Notice the difference between "=" and "==". Getting this wrong is a 
compile-time error, not a run-time bug.

In C-based languages, if-statements are a language primitive, whereas 
switch/case blocks are just syntax sugar for making nested if-blocks 
easier to write. In Haskell, the reverse is true; *pattern matching* is 
the fundamental language primitive behind all conditional branching. An 
if-expression is simply syntax sugar for a pattern match where the 
patterns are "True" and "False". Likewise, the "==" function is 
implemented in terms of pattern matching, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! (You 
can pattern-match on stuff for which the "==" function isn't defined!)

So much for putting stuff in and getting stuff out; how about some 
actual *arithmetic* now?

 > addCx :: Complex -> Complex -> Complex
 > addCx (Cx r1 i1) (Cx r2 i2) = Cx (r1 + r2) (i1 + i2)

That type signature looks a bit weird, eh? The basic rule for reading 
function signatures is this: The *last* type is the return type of the 
function. All the *other* types are argument types. So if you see 5 
things separated by arrows, than you have a 4-argument function, and the 
5th type is what the function returns.

The actual function body should be fairly self-explanatory. Let's define 
some more arithmetic:

 > subCx :: Complex -> Complex -> Complex
 > subCx (Cx r1 i1) (Cx r2 i2) = Cx (r1 - r2) (i1 - i2)
 > mulCx :: Complex -> Complex -> Complex
 > mulCx (Cx r1 i1) (Cx r2 i2) = Cx (r1*r2 - i1*i2) (r1*i2 + r2*i1)

No surprises here. Notice that Haskell applies normal operator 
precedence rules to arithmetic. (Unlike some - I'm looking at you, 

At this point, we can say

   quadratic c z = addCx (mulCx z z) c

This is, of course, awful. This kind of ugliness is sadly necessary in 
defective languages such as Java. Fortunately, Haskell allows us to 
create user-defined operators, and even to set arbitrary precedence 
rules for this:

 > (<+>) = addCx
 > (<->) = subCx
 > (<*>) = mulCx
 > infixl 6 <+>
 > infixl 6 <->
 > infixl 7 <*>

Now we can say

   quadratic c z = z <*> z <+> c

This is much better, but still not perfect. Why the weird "<+>"? Why not 
just name our function "+"?

Some programming language allow you to "overload" a function. That is, 
you can define several functions with the name type, so long as their 
type signatures are different. When you call the function, the compiler 
uses the argument types [which have to be explicitly spelled out every 
two seconds] to determine which function you intended to call.

Haskell works the other way around: When you call a function, the 
compiler uses the function's type signature to automatically determine 
the types of the function's arguments. This obviously fails completely 
unless there is only one function with that name.

We *can* define a function named "+". However, this doesn't overload the 
built-in "+" function, it creates a new function with the same name as 
an existing one. That would mean that every time we want to write "+", 
we have to write a fully-qualified name:

   foo :: Double -> Double -> Double
   foo x y = x Prelude.+ y

   bar :: Complex -> Complex -> Complex
   bar x y = x Main.+ y

That's just unspeakably ugly!

Fortunately, Haskell provides a way around this using so-called 

I want you to ignore the word "class" right now. A type-class is 
*nothing like* what an OO programmer would recognise as being a class. 
Rather, Haskell's type-classes correspond almost exactly to what Java 
and C# call "interfaces".

For those that don't know, an "interface" is a set of method 
definitions. When you define a new class, it can "implement" zero or 
more interfaces - which basically means you have to provide 
implementations for the stipulated methods.

Haskell type-classes work almost exactly like this, but with a 
difference: The interfaces that a C# class implements are determined 
when you write the class. But with Haskell, a type can implement new 
interfaces at any time. I can take a type defined in one package, and an 
interface defined in some completely unrelated package, and make one 
implement the other in my own package.

Enough waffle. What incantation must be utter to fix our complex 
arithmetic? Well, the standard libraries contain the following definition

   class Num n where
     (+) :: n -> n -> n
     (-) :: n -> n -> n
     (*) :: n -> n -> n

That means we just have to write the following:

 > instance Num Complex where
 >   (+) = addCx
 >   (-) = subCx
 >   (*) = mulCx

Notice how the subsequent lines are indented; white-space is significant 
in Haskell. (!)

(Remember, class == interface, instance == implementation.)

Now - finally - we can write

 > quadratic :: Complex -> Complex -> Complex
 > quadratic c z = z*z + c

Not only that, but every single Haskell function ever written that works 
with number types will now work with Complex. For example,

$ sum [Cx 5 7, Cx 1 1, Cx 2 3]
Cx 8 11

If you do compile this post, you may get several warnings about 
"undefined methods". The Num class actually defines more than just the 
three methods above. We've written an implementation for Num without 
implementing *all* of the prescribed methods. Haskell is usually very 
strict about correctness and compile-time checks. But not implementing 
all the methods of a class is a *run-time* error. (Or rather, trying to 
*use* one of the unimplemented methods is a run-time error. Since we 
aren't going to use any of the unimplemented methods, we'll be fine.)

In case you were worried, I should point out that we could have just written

   instance Num Complex where
     (Cx r1 i1) + (Cx r2 i2) = Cx (r1 + r2) (i1 + i2)

in the first place, without having to define "addCx" and so on first. In 
the real world, that is how you would do it; I took the long way around 
for example's sake.

OK, so where are we up to now? So far, we have a "quadratic" function 
that implements the standard Mandelbrot iteration function. Now we write 
a while-loop that counts how many iterations it takes for the bail-out 
condition to be met...

...erm, no. This is *functional* programming. We do things a bit 
differently here.

First of all, there is a library function named "iterate". It takes a 
function and a start value, and generates an *infinite list* of outputs:

   iterate f x = [x, f x, f (f x), f (f (f x)), ...]

(The square brackets indicate a Haskell list, with the items being 

Generating an infinite list would of course take an infinite amount of 
time. However, provided you only "look at" a finite portion of this 
list, Haskell's lazy evaluation ensures that only a finite amount of 
work is performed.

Knowing this, let us define the following function:

 > orbit :: Complex -> [Complex]
 > orbit c = iterate (quadratic c) (Cx 0 0)

This function takes a single complex number (C), and yields an infinite 
list of complex numbers (Z). The type "[Complex]" indicates a list of 
Complex values. Recall that "quadratic" takes two arguments, yet I only 
gave it one. We are therefore left with a function waiting for one 
remaining argument - z, as it happens. If I had defined "quadratic" with 
its arguments the other way around, I wouldn't be able to do this little 

While we're on the subject, Haskell supports anonymous functions. We 
didn't need to actually define a named function at all; we could have 
just said

   orbit c = iterate (\ z -> z*z + c) (Cx 0 0)

The backslash looks like some kind of weird escape character, but it's 
actually supposed to be an ASCII stand-in for the Greek letter lambda 
(λ) - which some of you may remember from HalfLife. The stuff between 
the backslash and the arrow is the function's arguments; stuff after the 
arrow is what the function returns. Notice, especially, how z is a 
function argument, but c is not, and yet the function can access c!

Usually the Mandelbrot iteration has two stopping conditions: either the 
magnitude of Z exceeds some constant (typically 2), or the maximum 
number of iterations is exceeded. (More fancy renderers check for 
periodic cycles in the output, but that involves tricky limited 
precision matching problems...)

We can implement a hard limit on the maximum number of iterations using 
the "take" function, which trims a list to a maximum length:

$ take 3 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...]
[1, 2, 3]

To implement the other stopping condition, first we need to be able to 
calculate the magnitude of Z:

 > mag2 :: Complex -> Double
 > mag2 (Cx r i) = r*r + i*i

Then we can use the "takeWhile" function:

   takeWhile (\ z -> mag2 x <= 4) mylist

Here I've used the old trick of computing |Z|^2 rather than |Z| to avoid 
an expensive square-root operation. Rather than compare |Z| against 2, 
we compare |Z|^2 against 2^2 (=4).

Putting it all together, then, we can do

 > count :: Complex -> Int
 > count c = length (take 15 (takeWhile (\ z -> mag2 z <= 4) (orbit c)))

The "length" function takes a list, and returns an Int representing how 
many items are in the list. Haskell's "Int" type is guaranteed to be 
twos-complement, with a minimum precision of 31 bits. Yes, you read 
correctly: 31, not 32 bits. Haskell's standard compiler, GHC, gives you 
32 bits on IA32, and 64 bits on AMD64. If you want a specific precision, 
you should say so: Int8, Int16, Int32 and Int64 exist for this purpose. 
You could even say Integer, which uses the GMP (the GNU Multi-Precision 
library) to give you arbitrary-precision integers. But hey, we're only 
trying to count to 15, so Int will be fine.

My, that's a lot of brackets! Fortunately, Haskell has something a bit 
like shell piping:

   count c = length $ take 15 $ takeWhile (\ z -> mag2 z <= 4) $ orbit c

No more counting brackets! Add or remove any stage easily! But notice, 
unlike a shell pipeline, this still reads from right to left, like it 
did when it was all brackets. (This makes changing from brackets to 
dollars much easier.)

Alternatively, you can do this "point-free style":

   count = length . take 15 . takeWhile (\ z -> mag2 z <= 4) . orbit

Before, we were passing the result of one function as the argument to 
another function. Now "c" has completely vanished (this is the "point" 
that the expression is now "free" of). Instead, we're doing mathematical 
composition of functions, like in the textbooks. Notice that this 
*still* reads from right to left - and indeed, this is customary in 
mathematics. (Although a mathematician would typically write g ∘ f 
rather than g . f for this.)

Whatever way you code it, our "count" function takes a complex number C, 
and computes the length of the orbit of 0 that escapes to infinity. Now 
we just need to do this for every pixel, and render the result somehow.

There are several ways we *could* do this. We could generate a CSV file 
of the results, or even a PPM image. (You'll need a decent image viewer 
to display it though; no standard Windows program understands PPM.) But 
I'm going to do something more trivial: ASCII art!

With a maximum iteration limit of 15, we need to find 16 different 
characters, hopefully representing different levels of blackness. One 
inefficient but simple way to do so is this:

 > int_to_char :: Int -> Char
 > int_to_char n = " .:;^_/|~-+*%&@#" !! n

The "!!" operator returns the Nth element of a list - and in Haskell, a 
string is a list of characters. When I say "list", I mean *single-linked 
list*; hence, the "!!" operator is O(n). But for such tiny numbers, it 
doesn't matter too much. (Arrays, with their O(1) access, provide a "!" 
operator instead.)

Now to generate a grid of coordinates. The easiest way is with a "list 
comprehension": Haskell allows you to write [5 .. 15] to represent a 
list containing all the numbers in the specified range. We don't want 
integers though, so we need to specify a step value:

 > gridX :: [Double]
 > gridX = [-2, -1.95 .. 2]
 > gridY :: [Double]
 > gridY = [-2, -1.875 .. 2]

Now to combine them. When I first started using Haskell, I was 
astonished that there is no function in the standard libraries for 
performing a Cartesian product of lists. But it turns out that it's 
really, *really* trivial to do this using the list monad, or list 
comprehensions. I will show the latter:

 > grid1 :: [Complex]
 > grid1 = [ Cx r i | r <- gridX, i <- gridY ]

That's great, but we probably actually want to know where one row ends 
and the next begins. So let's try again:

 > grid2 :: [[Complex]]
 > grid2 = [ [ Cx r i | r <- gridX ] | i <- gridY ]

That's a list of lists. Now we want to take our grid of complex numbers 
and turn it into a grid of... well, characters, actually.

 > output :: [[Char]]
 > output = map (\ row -> map (int_to_char . count) row) grid2

There's a lot happening there. Let's break it down:
- The "map" function applies a function to every row of grid2.
- The anonymous function in their takes each row of data, and uses map 
again to apply count and then int_to_char to the complex number it finds 
in each "pixel". (Remember, function composition operates right to left!)

This variable, then, contains our cheesy Mandelbrot ASCII-art. At this 
point we're done... unless you want a *runnable* program, in which case 
you need to *output* this gold somehow. To do that, you need Haskell's 
I/O facilities, which are obviously extremely hard to understand.

 > main = mapM_ putStrLn output

The "mapM" function is similar to "map", except that it works for 
functions that perform a monadic action (as "putStrLn" does). The "mapM" 
function collects the results into a new list; however, printing stuff 
doesn't produce a result, so "mapM_" (with an underscore) is used to 
avoid constructing a pointless list of nothings.

We could also have done it this way:

   main = putStrLn (unlines output)

The "lines" function takes a string and splits it into a list of 
strings, one string for each line in the original input. The "unlines" 
function does the opposite - it turns a list of strings into one giant 
string with newlines in it. The "putStrLn" function then prints this out.

If you now run our program, it will dump out some nasty ASCII-art graphics.


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From: Orchid Win7 v1
Subject: Re: Nobody will read this
Date: 26 Jul 2013 17:58:37
Message: <51f2f10d@news.povray.org>
> [Note: When a type has only one value constructor function, it is
> customary for it to have the same name as the type. In other words,
> data Complex = Complex Double Double
> I have deliberately not done this, in the interests of clarity.]

It's perhaps not clear what I'm talking about here. Consider, for example

   data Complex = Grid Double Double | Polar Double Double

Now I can write a complex number in *two* ways:

   Grid 5 7

which represents 5 + 7i, or

   Polar 3 pi

which represents -3 (i.e., magnitude=3, argument=pi radians). I can then 

   mulCx (Grid r1 i1) (Grid r2 i2) = Grid (r1*r2 - i1*i2) (r1*i2 + r2*i1)
   mulCx (Polar m1 a1) (Polar m2 a2) = Polar (m1*m2) (a1+a2)

Unfortunately, if one number is Grid and the other is Polar, this 
function will throw a "pattern match failure" exception, because no 
pattern matches that exact combination. I'm not saying this approach is 
a good idea, I'm offering it as an example of what you *could* do.

Now, "Grid" and "Polar" are value constructors; they are ways of 
constructing (and de-constructing) data of the Complex type. But our 
original definition had only one constructor. Why have two names for one 
thing? This is why people typically write

   data Complex = Complex Double Double

I didn't, though, to make it clear when I'm talking about a type and 
when I'm talking about a constructor.

> In C-based languages, if-statements are a language primitive, whereas
> switch/case blocks are just syntax sugar for making nested if-blocks
> easier to write. In Haskell, the reverse is true; *pattern matching* is
> the fundamental language primitive behind all conditional branching. An
> if-expression is simply syntax sugar for a pattern match where the
> patterns are "True" and "False". Likewise, the "==" function is
> implemented in terms of pattern matching, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! (You
> can pattern-match on stuff for which the "==" function isn't defined!)

The general way to do pattern-matching is with a case-block:

   case z of
     Grid  r i -> ...stuff...
     Polar m a -> ...stuff...

An if-expression is merely syntax sugar:

   if foo then bar else baz

   case foo of
     True  -> bar
     False -> baz

Writing multiple equations for a single function is also syntax sugar:

   isReal (Cx r 0) = True
   isReal _        = False

   isReal z =
     case z of
       Cx r 0 -> True
       _      -> False

> So much for putting stuff in and getting stuff out; how about some
> actual *arithmetic* now?
>  > addCx :: Complex -> Complex -> Complex
>  > addCx (Cx r1 i1) (Cx r2 i2) = Cx (r1 + r2) (i1 + i2)
> That type signature looks a bit weird, eh? The basic rule for reading
> function signatures is this: The *last* type is the return type of the
> function. All the *other* types are argument types. So if you see 5
> things separated by arrows, than you have a 4-argument function, and the
> 5th type is what the function returns.

If you want to make your head explode:

   addCx :: Complex -> (Complex -> Complex)


   quadratic :: Complex -> (Complex -> Complex)

This is why "quadratic c" is a valid expression; the result is a 
function of type Complex -> Complex.

> If you do compile this post, you may get several warnings about
> "undefined methods". The Num class actually defines more than just the
> three methods above. We've written an implementation for Num without
> implementing *all* of the prescribed methods. Haskell is usually very
> strict about correctness and compile-time checks. But not implementing
> all the methods of a class is a *run-time* error. (Or rather, trying to
> *use* one of the unimplemented methods is a run-time error. Since we
> aren't going to use any of the unimplemented methods, we'll be fine.)

Haskell's number classes are notoriously broken. They were defined very 
early on in Haskell's development. (Numbers are one of the very first 
constructs you're going to need out of a programming language!) 
Naturally, to change them now would massively break every shred of 
Haskell code ever written. On top of that, nobody can decide on a *less* 
broken alternative.

For the curious, the *actual* definition of Num is

   class Num n where
     (+) :: n -> n -> n
     (-) :: n -> n -> n
     (*) :: n -> n -> n
     negate :: n -> n
     abs    :: n -> n
     signum :: n -> n
     fromInteger :: n -> n

You may notice that abs is a rather stupid function for a complex number 
to have; what do you do? Take the absolute value of the real and 
imaginary parts separately? (Note that what you *can't* do is have abs 
return a real-value as the answer; it must be another complex value.) 
Ditto for signum, which usually returns -1, 0 or +1 for normal types. 
Finally, fromInteger converts an integer into a Complex (or whatever).

Note that I said earlier that "sum" now works for Complex. I was wrong; 
without fromInteger, you can't construct the complex number 0, which is 
what "sum" starts adding up from. Similarly, "product" wants to do 
"fromInteger 1" for its start value.

Things rapidly get vastly more broken if you want to handle *fractional* 
values. Notice (*) is here, but (/) is conspicuously missing? That's 
because integer types have "div", which does integer division, while 
fractional types have "/", which does normal division. (Integer types 
also have "mod", while fractional types do not.) Trigonometric functions 
are even more fun!

> Knowing this, let us define the following function:
>  > orbit :: Complex -> [Complex]
>  > orbit c = iterate (quadratic c) (Cx 0 0)

Now you see why it's Cx 0 0, rather than just 0. If you add

 > fromInteger r = Cx (fromInteger r) 0

to the instance declaration, then these problems go away. (And "sum" and 
"product" will start working properly.) Notice that "r" is an Integer, 
so we need to recursively call "fromInteger" to convert it to a Double.

> My, that's a lot of brackets! Fortunately, Haskell has something a bit
> like shell piping:
> count c = length $ take 15 $ takeWhile (\ z -> mag2 z <= 4) $ orbit c

This is not actually part of the language specification. Actually, it's 
just a user-defined operator with *really* low precedence:

 > ($) :: (x -> y) -> x -> y
 > f $ x = f x
 > infixr 0 $

That *looks* like a really pointless function, but it's utility is in 
the operator precedence.

> We could also have done it this way:
> main = putStrLn (unlines output)

You can also do this:

 > main = writeFile "Mandelbrot.txt" (unlines output)

This then saves the data to a text file (in the system default encoding, 
with the system default end-of-line convention), rather than printing it 
to stdout.

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From: Orchid Win7 v1
Subject: Re: Nobody will read this
Date: 26 Jul 2013 18:03:10
Message: <51f2f21e$1@news.povray.org>
> At this point, we can say
> quadratic c z = addCx (mulCx z z) c
> This is, of course, awful.

I missed a step. I meant to use this as a neat opportunity to point out 
that you can do

   quadratic c z = (z `mulCx` z) `addCx` c

Putting any function name in backticks magically makes it infix. This is 
an improvement, although not a large one in the example given.

Then again, for standard arithmetic operations, there are well-known 
symbols, which are much more concise. For less common operations like 
set union, writing

   setA `union` setB

is regarded by many as being nicer than

   union setA setB

Each to their own. Perhaps the "mod" function is a better example:

   p^e `mod` m


   mod (p^e) m

Weirdly, you can even set an "operator precedence" for backtick infix...

(In case I didn't explain, "infixr" means infix with Right 
associativity, while "infixl" means Left associativity.)

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From: Orchid Win7 v1
Subject: Re: Nobody will read this
Date: 26 Jul 2013 18:05:24
Message: <51f2f2a4$1@news.povray.org>
On 26/07/2013 10:35 PM, Orchid Win7 v1 wrote:
> This entire message is an executable Haskell program. If you save the
> entire text of this post, unmodified, in a file named Mandelbrot.lhs,
> then you should be able to either load it into a Haskell interpreter, or
> compile it into a standalone binary executable.

...but in case you lack the patience...

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Download 'output.txt' (3 KB)

From: Warp
Subject: Re: Nobody will read this
Date: 26 Jul 2013 18:45:20
Message: <51f2fc00@news.povray.org>
Orchid Win7 v1 <voi### [at] devnull> wrote:
> I'm going to talk about Haskell. Specifically, I'm going to implement a 
> trivial Mandelbrot renderer in Haskell.

Then you wonder why functional programming isn't more popular.

                                                          - Warp

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From: Orchid Win7 v1
Subject: Re: Nobody will read this
Date: 27 Jul 2013 03:51:44
Message: <51f37c10@news.povray.org>
On 26/07/2013 11:45 PM, Warp wrote:
> Orchid Win7 v1<voi### [at] devnull>  wrote:
>> I'm going to talk about Haskell. Specifically, I'm going to implement a
>> trivial Mandelbrot renderer in Haskell.
> Then you wonder why functional programming isn't more popular.

Gabe Newell said something similar. "Whenever I see Haskell code 
examples, they're always utterly trivial crap like Fibonacci numbers or 
the factorial function, not large, complex real-world stuff. Haskell may 
be good for small toy programs, but it's useless in the real-world."

Which is a bit like saying "Whenever I see C example code, it's always 
trivial stuff like Hello World, or Quicksort, not large, complex 
real-world stuff. C may be good for small toy programs, but it's useless 
in the real-world."

*Obviously* in introductory exploration of any programming language is 
going to consist of trivial stuff that's not useful in the real-world. 
They're called "example programs" for a reason. :-P

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From: nemesis
Subject: Re: Nobody will read this
Date: 27 Jul 2013 16:50:00
Message: <web.51f431c0e40ff301519903cb0@news.povray.org>
the universe
stars, dust, light, shadow, chaos -
a haskell line

I dunno, I haiku seemed an appropriate comment...

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