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  Phinally... (Message 1 to 10 of 10)  
From: Invisible
Subject: Phinally...
Date: 16 Jan 2012 11:05:45
Message: <4f144ad9$1@news.povray.org>
The golden ratio. It has the property that

[1]   A/B = (A+B)/A

Opening the brackets, we have

       A/B = A/A + B/A

Since A/A=1, we have

       A/B = B/A + 1

If we assume B=1, then

       A/1 = 1/A + 1

or, more simply,

[2]   A = 1/A + 1

Multiplying both sides by A,

       A^2 = A/A + A

Replace A/A with 1:

       A^2 = A + 1

Subtract one from the other:

       A^2 - A - 1 = 0

Applying the usual quadratic solution formula, we obtain two solutions:

       A = (1/2) (1 + Sqrt 5) ≈  1.618 033 988 749 895...
       A = (1/2) (1 - Sqrt 5) ≈ -0.618 033 988 749 895...

The first solution is "the golden ratio", commonly denoted by a 
lowercase phi (φ).

As required by [2], 1/φ is 0.618... If you add 1 to that, you get φ 
again - exactly as [2] demands. (Apparently this latter quantity, 1/φ = 
φ - 1, is sometimes denoted by an uppercase phi, Φ. Notice that -Φ is 
the other solution to our equation.)

Many people have noticed that the ratios of successive Fibonacci numbers 
approach φ. For those that don't know, the Fibonacci numbers are defined as:

   Fib[0] = 1
   Fib[1] = 1
   Fib[n] = Fib[n-1] + Fib[n-2]

   1 + 1 = 2
       1 + 2 = 3
           2 + 3 = 5
               3 + 5 = 8
                   5 + 8 = 13
                       8 + 13 = 21
                           13 + 21 = 34
                                21 + 34 = 55
                                     34 + 55 = 89
                                          55 + 89 = 144

    1 /  1 = 1
    2 /  1 = 2
    3 /  2 = 1.5
    5 /  3 = 1.666 666 666 666...
    8 /  5 = 1.6
   13 /  8 = 1.625
   21 / 13 = 1.615 384 615 384...
   34 / 21 = 1.619 047 619 047...
   55 / 34 = 1.617 647 058 823...
   89 / 55 = 1.618 181 818 181...
  144 / 89 = 1.617 977 528 089...
         φ ≈ 1.618 033 988 749...

Note that φ itself is irrational, so no fraction can ever exactly equal 
it. And yet, this sequence approximates it with ever increasing precision.

To many people, this is a seemingly magical property. BUT WAIT! It turns 
out that if you apply the same rules but starting with ANY NUMBERS YOU 
WANT, the same thing happens!

   Pic[0] = 31
   Pic[1] = 42
   Pic[n] = Pic[n-1] + Pic[n-2]

   31 + 42 = 73
        42 + 73 = 115
             73 + 115 = 188
                  115 + 188 = 303
                        188 + 303 = 491
                              303 + 491 = 794

    42 /  31 = 1.354 838 709 677...
    73 /  42 = 1.738 095 238 095...
   115 /  73 = 1.575 342 465 753...
   188 / 115 = 1.634 782 608 695...
   303 / 188 = 1.611 702 127 659...
   303 / 491 = 1.620 462 046 204...
           φ ≈ 1.618 033 988 749...

The initial two terms are randomly chosen. Their ratio is nowhere near φ 
(other than that they're roughly the same size, so their ratio is 
roughly 1). But a few terms later, and they already agree with φ to 
three significant figures.

Even if we start with widely different terms, this happens:

   1 + 10 = 11
       10 + 11 = 21
            11 + 21 = 32
                 21 + 32 = 53
                      32 + 53 = 85
                           53 + 85 = 138
                                85 + 138 = 223

    10 /   1 = 10
    11 /  10 =  1.1
    21 /  11 =  1.909 090 909 090...
    32 /  21 =  1.523 809 523 809...
    53 /  32 =  1.656 25
    85 /  53 =  1.603 773 584 905...
   138 /  85 =  1.623 529 411 764...
   223 / 138 =  1.615 942 028 985...
           φ ≈  1.618 033 988 749...

Inexorably, the ratio approaches φ. But why?

Thinking about this intuitively, it becomes (slightly) less surprising. 
Instead of looking at the symbols, think about what [1] actually 
/means/. We have three quantities, {B, A, A+B}, and the ratio between 
successive terms should be the same. We have the Fibonacci numbers, 
which build each new term by adding together the previous two. Notice a 
similarity there?

With the golden mean, we ask for a ratio such that successive steps 
produced by adding always have the same ratio. With the Fibonacci 
numbers, we /force/ each successive step to be produced by adding, and 
the ratio then approaches the golden mean - seemingly regardless of the 
starting point!

It's not dissimilar to the iterative blind deconvolution algorithm; you 
start with random data, transform it, apply known constraints to the 
result, inverse transform it, apply known constraints to that result, 
transform, constrain, inverse transform, constrain... Eventually, the 
system converges to a solution that satisfies all the constraints - 
hopefully your original, unblurred image. ;-)

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From: Darren New
Subject: Re: Phinally...
Date: 16 Jan 2012 13:05:31
Message: <4f1466eb@news.povray.org>
Relevant: http://vihart.com/

But I like your analysis better.

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From: Invisible
Subject: Khan
Date: 20 Jan 2012 04:42:40
Message: <4f193710$1@news.povray.org>
On 16/01/2012 06:05 PM, Darren New wrote:
> Relevant: http://vihart.com/
> But I like your analysis better.

Why thank you honey. :-)

Also, I gather Vi has recently joined Khan Academy. Having never heard 
of it, I of course decided to see what it's about. The introductory 
video is very amusing, and Mr Khan seems like a nice guy. A lot of the 
things he says make a lot of sense.

And then I picked a random YouTube video from Khan Academy. As it 
happens, "Introduction to Matricies". The results were... unimpressive.

The video is 11 minutes long, and in that time I learned the following 

1. A matrix is a grid of numbers. (I'd feel happier if he said 
*rectangular* grid of numbers.)

2. To add two matrices, they must be the same size, and you add them 
element by element to produce a result of the same size.

OK, so there were some examples in there. But 11 minutes to say that? I 
could read out the above two sentences in about 11 *seconds*. Sure, if 
you're trying to explain something for the first time, taking it slowly 
and having a few examples is all good. But 11 minutes??

The reason seems to be that rather than having a tightly written script, 
the guy seems to be just ad libbing the whole thing. He dithers, he 
interrupts himself, he's indecisive, he rambles a lot. That's why it 
takes him so long to explain so little.

Unlike Vi, who draws stuff on paper (and talks like a machine gun), this 
guy laboriously doodles stuff with some kind of electronic whiteboard 
software. The results are utterly illegible. So many of his videos have 
little comments on them such as "this is a 3, not a 5". Quite apart from 
being hard to read, it looks *ugly*.

Now, to be clear, I only looked at, like, 3 videos. Maybe that's not a 
representative sample. And, if the blurb is to be believed, there are a 
vast number of such videos available, covering a wide range of topics, 
/and/ nicely categorised and arranged. I gather there's some sort of 
interface where you can track your progress, find related topics, and so 
forth. All of which /is/ very cool... but I can't help feeling that the 
actual videos could be done better.

It'll be interesting to see what happens with Vi there. The video with 
him and her seemed... awkward. But we'll see. It's a sensible alliance; 
nobody does slight video quite like Vi.

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From: nemesis
Subject: Re: Khan
Date: 20 Jan 2012 07:18:14
Message: <4f195b86$1@news.povray.org>

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From: Invisible
Subject: Re: Khan
Date: 20 Jan 2012 07:46:25
Message: <4f196221$1@news.povray.org>
On 20/01/2012 12:18 PM, nemesis wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRnSnfiUI54

GAH! >_<

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From: John VanSickle
Subject: Re: Phinally...
Date: 23 Jan 2012 05:02:30
Message: <4f1d3036@news.povray.org>
On 1/16/2012 11:05 AM, Invisible wrote:
> To many people, this is a seemingly magical property. BUT WAIT! It turns
> out that if you apply the same rules but starting with ANY NUMBERS YOU
> WANT, the same thing happens!
> Pic[0] = 31
> Pic[1] = 42
> Pic[n] = Pic[n-1] + Pic[n-2]
> 31 + 42 = 73
> 42 + 73 = 115
> 73 + 115 = 188
> 115 + 188 = 303
> 188 + 303 = 491
> 303 + 491 = 794
> 42 / 31 = 1.354 838 709 677...
> 73 / 42 = 1.738 095 238 095...
> 115 / 73 = 1.575 342 465 753...
> 188 / 115 = 1.634 782 608 695...
> 303 / 188 = 1.611 702 127 659...
> 303 / 491 = 1.620 462 046 204...
> φ ≈ 1.618 033 988 749...

If you start with any two integers, at least one of which is not zero, 
and proceed, the series that follows can be constructed from some 
combination of the original Fibonacci series, with some of the input 
series being shifted, and some being multiplied by some factor.

For instance, if you start with 1 and 3, the series you get is:

  1 3 4 7 11 18 29 47 76 123

Now subtract from that the same series beginning with 0 and 1, and you get:

  1 3 4 7 11 18 29 47 76 123
  0 1 1 2  3  5  8 13 21  34
  1 2 3 5  8 13 21 34 55  89

Which is the (0,1) series, shifted to the left by two members.

Since the two component series have member-to-member ratios that 
converge to phi, intuition suggests that the sums of individual series 
members will also have a ratio converging to this same value.

The rigorous proof that all such series will have a member-to-member 
ratio approaching phi will entail showing that for any two non-negative 
integers, A and B, with B>A, that the value of B/(A+B) is closer to phi 
(1.618~) than the value A/B.

|A/B - phi| > |B/(A+B) - phi| for all A and B, 0 < A < B

The full proof is left as an exercise for the interested student.


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From: Invisible
Subject: Re: Phinally...
Date: 23 Jan 2012 05:17:58
Message: <4f1d33d6$1@news.povray.org>
On 23/01/2012 10:02 AM, John VanSickle wrote:

> The rigorous proof that all such series will have a member-to-member
> ratio approaching phi will entail showing that for any two non-negative
> integers, A and B, with B>A, that the value of B/(A+B) is closer to phi
> (1.618~) than the value A/B.
> |A/B - phi| > |B/(A+B) - phi| for all A and B, 0 < A < B
> The full proof is left as an exercise for the interested student.

I've always found an intuitive understanding to be more interesting than 
a rigorous proof.

For example, the square root of 2 is irrational. The standard way to 
prove this is to demonstrate that root 2 = A/B implies that A/B can be 
cancelled down an infinite number of times, which is clearly impossible. 
This shows that the number *is* irrational. But it gives no indication 
as to *why* it is impossible.

By contrast, root 2 = A/B implies that A^2/B^2 = 2. The only way this 
can be true is if A^2 is twice as large as B^2. And /that/ would mean 
that if you look at the prime factors of each number, A^2 would have one 
more 2 factor than B^2 does. However, the prime factors of X^2 are 
exactly the prime factors of X, but repeated twice. This entails that 
to have *one* extra factor of 2, either A^2 or B^2 would have to have an 
ODD number of 2 factors - which is impossible.

Here we clearly see /why/ you cannot make this equation work. We also 
see exactly which numbers can and cannot work in the equation. Namely, 
A^2/B^2 can be equal to any number having EVEN numbers of each prime 
factor. In other words, SQUARE NUMBERS. So the square root of any 
integer is either an integer or an irrational number. It can never be 
some non-integer rational.

Of course, from a rigorous point of view, proving that a fraction 
cancels down forever merely involves some trivial algebra, whereas 
proving the properties of unique factorisation and so forth is a major 
undertaking. I still find it much more intuitively illuminating.

Likewise, the Fibonacci numbers demonstrate how repeatedly applying a 
constraint to something causes it to approximate the unique solution to 
that constraint. That's a much more intuitive idea than any amount of 
fidgeting with equations.

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From: Darren New
Subject: Re: Phinally...
Date: 26 Jan 2012 23:08:13
Message: <4f22232d$1@news.povray.org>
On 1/23/2012 2:17, Invisible wrote:
> 2, either A^2 or B^2 would have to have an ODD number of 2 factors - which
> is impossible.

I've never seen that proof before. Very cool.

Darren New, San Diego CA, USA (PST)
   People tell me I am the counter-example.

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From: Invisible
Subject: Re: Phinally...
Date: 27 Jan 2012 04:38:16
Message: <4f227088$1@news.povray.org>
On 27/01/2012 04:08 AM, Darren New wrote:
> On 1/23/2012 2:17, Invisible wrote:
>> 2, either A^2 or B^2 would have to have an ODD number of 2 factors -
>> which
>> is impossible.
> I've never seen that proof before. Very cool.

Meh. Just /think/ about it for a moment or two... Nothing I've said is 
non-obvious if you play with the ideas for a moment.

Indeed, the non-obvious thing is that by performing algebraic 
manipulations on A^2/B^2=2, you can prove that A and B are both even...

Would you like an encore of my derivation of the quadratic solution 
formula? ;-)

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From: John VanSickle
Subject: Re: Phinally...
Date: 30 Jan 2012 03:45:56
Message: <4f2658c4$1@news.povray.org>
On 1/23/2012 5:02 AM, John VanSickle wrote:

> The rigorous proof that all such series will have a member-to-member
> ratio approaching phi will entail showing that for any two non-negative
> integers, A and B, with B>A, that the value of B/(A+B) is closer to phi
> (1.618~) than the value A/B.
> |A/B - phi| > |B/(A+B) - phi| for all A and B, 0 < A < B
> The full proof is left as an exercise for the interested student.

Although on second look it appears that you will have better results if 
you try proving this instead:

|B/A - phi| > |(A+B)/B - phi| for all A and B, 0 < A < B


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