On 5/31/24 09:46, Jonathan Bush wrote:
> Okay, if I understand this correctly, if the input parameter A is boolean, I can
> provide any value I want for B, and C is the value returned when A is false, and
> D is the value when A is true. I hope I got that right.
I'll add, folks sometimes lose track of the fact the virtual machine
(VM) select() functionality is mirrored in the Scene Description
Language (SDL). In other words, you can test your logic outside of the
function {} wrapper prior to use in the function itself - or alongside.
Bill P.
#version 3.8;
#declare A=-1;
#declare B=-2;
#declare Z=0;
#declare C=+2;
#declare Fn_select3 = function (_a,_b,_c) { select(_a,_b,_c) }
#declare Fn_select4 = function (_a,_b,_z,_c) { select(_a,_b,_z,_c) }
#debug concat("A = ",str(A,3,1),"\n")
#debug concat("B = ",str(B,3,1),"\n")
#debug concat("Z = ",str(Z,3,1),"\n")
#debug concat("C = ",str(C,3,1),"\n")
#debug "\n"
#debug concat("select(A,B,C) = ",str(select(A,B,C),3,1),"\n")
#debug concat("Fn_select3(A,B,C) = ",str(Fn_select3(A,B,C),3,1),"\n")
#debug "\n"
#debug concat("select(A,B,Z,C) = ",str(select(A,B,Z,C),3,1),"\n")
#debug concat("Fn_select4(A,B,Z,C) = ",str(Fn_select4(A,B,Z,C),3,1),"\n")
#debug "\n"
#error "Stop early\n"
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