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Hello all,
I am using povray to generate png images of spin textures from another program
called as VAMPIRE. The generated png files are blurred. I cannot see the spins
properply when I zoom in.
I am very new to povray. Any suggestions on how to increase the resolution?
Best regards,
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Download 'spins.png' (44 KB)
Preview of image 'spins.png'

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"vishesh saxena" <sax### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am using povray to generate png images of spin textures from another program
> called as VAMPIRE. The generated png files are blurred. I cannot see the spins
> properply when I zoom in.
> I am very new to povray. Any suggestions on how to increase the resolution?
you can choose the output resolution freely, see link. in fact, it often helps
to render at a high(er) resolution and resize the image afterwards. another
thing to bear in mind is the camera's aspect, make sure image size and camera
"agree" on the ratio. hth.
regards, jr.
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"vishesh saxena" <sax### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am using povray to generate png images of spin textures from another program
> called as VAMPIRE. The generated png files are blurred. I cannot see the spins
> properply when I zoom in.
> I am very new to povray. Any suggestions on how to increase the resolution?
Since POV-Ray creates raster images, rather than vector images, increasing the
image size cannot increase its resolution. You must use the height and width
output options to create a large image. For example,
+H1000 +W750
Also, if you aren't doing so already, use anti-aliasing: +A
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Le 2022-10-12 à 10:09, vishesh saxena a écrit :
> Hello all,
> I am using povray to generate png images of spin textures from another program
> called as VAMPIRE. The generated png files are blurred. I cannot see the spins
> properply when I zoom in.
> I am very new to povray. Any suggestions on how to increase the resolution?
> Best regards,
> Vishesh
In the Windows version, there is a resolution drop down menu at the left
side of the tool bar. It propose a set of default dimensions and
anti-aliasing settings.
You can easily expand it, it's an ini file,a simple text file following
a simple set of rules.
You can also enter any arbitrary dimension in the text box just next to
the drop menu.
Use +wnnn to set the width.
+hnnn to set the heigth
+a is used to turn on anti-aliasing followed with some options to fine
tune it
Ex.: +a0.01 +am2 +r3
Turn anti-aliasing on with a trigger delta of 1% in the sum of the
difference in the value of neighbour pixels, using anti-aliasing method
2 and a recursion level of 3.
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From: kurtz le pirate
Subject: Re: Improving resolution in povray images
Date: 13 Oct 2022 12:45:06
Message: <63484092@news.povray.org>
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On 12/10/2022 16:09, vishesh saxena wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am using povray to generate png images of spin textures from another program
> called as VAMPIRE. The generated png files are blurred. I cannot see the spins
> properply when I zoom in.
> I am very new to povray. Any suggestions on how to increase the resolution?
> Best regards,
> Vishesh
Can you share the generated pov file ?
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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"vishesh saxena" <sax### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am using povray to generate png images of spin textures from another program
> called as VAMPIRE. The generated png files are blurred. I cannot see the spins
> properply when I zoom in.
> I am very new to povray. Any suggestions on how to increase the resolution?
> Best regards,
> Vishesh
Hi Vishesh,
This is a very interesting program. I'm particularly interested in the Monte
Carlo methods section - particularly the sampling algorithm.
Our developer at the time was trying to come up with a way to preferentially
sample in the areas where an attribute's density was the highest, while ignoring
most or all of the areas where it was low or nonexistent.
Perhaps you have some of the mathematical expertise - or connections who, that
can offer some advice in that area.
As for not being able to see what you want in your spin texture, what you want
to do - as others have suggested - is to increase the render image size in
POV-Ray before rendering your image, which essentially increases the resolution.
You will then be rendering the same scene over a larger number of pixels.
Depending on how you have everything set up, you might need to adjust your
camera angle or distance to get your scene to fill the entire render window
BEFORE you jump ahead to a very large image, be aware that this can massively
slow down the render time, due to technical under-the-hood details.
The solution probably lies in tailoring the render block size to the scene:
Render Block Size
POV-Ray provides a mechanism to specify the render block size via either an
INI-style option Render_Block_Size=n or on the command-line +BSn, where n is an
integer larger than or equal to 4. This represents the edge size of the square
used to distribute work to the render threads, and thus the number of pixels in
each block will be n squared. The default value is 32. If you specify a value
that is greater than the larger of the width or height of the image being
rendered, it is clipped to that value. Using render block sizes of less than
eight can impact performance, particularly on large images that render quickly,
as it significantly increases the amount of message traffic between the render
back-end and the graphical front-end, which communicate using a shared-memory
- Bill
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