I am creating an animation of an object and want to pulse the color like this:
Red -> fade to -> White -> fade to -> Red -> fade to -> White -> fade to -> Red
And so on, depending on the length of that particular shot.
Q: How can I do this?
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"james lake" <gum### [at] sprintmailcom> wrote in message
> Hello:
> I am creating an animation of an object and want to pulse the color like
> this:
> Red -> fade to -> White -> fade to -> Red -> fade to -> White -> fade
> to -> Red
> And so on, depending on the length of that particular shot.
> Q: How can I do this?
Hi James,
Assuming you use command-line options, such as: +kfi0 +kff199 to generate a
sequence of frames (in this case 200) you can either use the clock variable
or the frame_number variable to control the color. The clock variable will
vary from 0 to 1 during the animation cycle and frame_number will vary
between 0 and 199.
The simplest way to code the color is to specify RGB colors rather than the
predefined colors. For example, you can use:
pigment {rgb <1,clock,clock>}
to move from Red to White once during the cycle in a linear way.
Or something like:
#include "math.inc"
#declare MyGB = 0.5*(cosd(clock*720)+1);
pigment {rgb <1, MyGB, MyGB>}
to get a smooth cycle. This uses the cosine of an angle that cycles from 0
to 720 to calculate a value for the Green and Blue channels. The cosine
therefore cycles from 1 to -1, so adding one and dividing by 2 makes it
cycle smoothly between 1 and 0 and back again, 4 times in a row. The Red
channel is hardcoded as 1. Doubling the 720 to 1440 would give you twice as
many complete color cycles within the animation cycle.
The following very short example provides a complete scene file for you to
experiment with.
Chris B.
// Use command-line options +kfi0 +kff59
// and render at 160x120, No AA
camera {location -5*z look_at <0,0,0>}
light_source { <-2, 3, -5>, rgb 1 }
#include "math.inc"
#declare MyGB = 0.5*(cosd(clock*720)+1);
sphere {0,1
pigment {rgb <1, MyGB, MyGB>}
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On Sun, 11 Jan 2009 11:57:15 EST, "james lake" <gum### [at] sprintmailcom> wrote:
>And so on, depending on the length of that particular shot.
>Q: How can I do this?
Just to add to Chris's answer: What you want to do is not difficult but it
depends on exactly what you want.
The "clock" or "frame_number" variables are the key. Read about them in the help
file Built-in Variables.
You might also want to use the #switch directive. The #switch, #case,
#range and #break Directives
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