POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : lightsaber Server Time
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  lightsaber (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
Subject: lightsaber
Date: 30 Aug 2002 18:20:03
Message: <web.3d6fef14fa6fc545cc255d930@news.povray.org>
ok, im about to create a light-saber.

so im taking a transparent cylinder with rgbf and put a lightsource inside?
correct so far?

but what can i do about the glow outside? media?

thanks for any help.

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From: Pandora
Subject: Re: lightsaber
Date: 30 Aug 2002 18:30:22
Message: <3d6ff1fe@news.povray.org>
"GRUMBLE" <gru### [at] SPAMgmxat> wrote in message
> ok, im about to create a light-saber.
> so im taking a transparent cylinder with rgbf and put a lightsource
> correct so far?
> but what can i do about the glow outside? media?

    Do a search in these newgroups for 'lightsaber' (via the web-interface
(http://news.povray.org) is probably your best bet) - there were several
people doing lightsabers around/just after the time of Episode 1, iirc...
Pandora/Scott Hill/[::O:M:C::]Scorpion
Software Engineer.

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