Hello all.
I am fairly new to raytracing, but I have managed to get the Cloth
Animator up and running (version 0.4.0 with MegaPov 0.6a on a NT
system) I am using the sample files for flag animation with a few
modifications. First and foremost, I want to be able to use a bitmap
instead of drawing the flag myself (not all flags are as simple as the
Tricolore), and secondly I only want a modest 10-frame animated GIF,
not a whooping 200-frame mpeg.
In consequence, I have changed the color_map to an image_map in the
scene file and the Final_Frame from 200 to 10 in the ini file.
I have one unexpected side effect: the input.png image appear rotated
180 degrees in the animation. While the workaround is obvious, I'd
prefer if some kind soul can explain to me why it happens.
Also, I'd love to hear which other parameters I ought to change when
only going for 10 rather than 200 frames. (Do I still need 10000
steps, for example?). As of now I seem to get fairly good animations,
though I often get the impression that the wind is blowing from the
opposite direction.
Finally, the generated inc-file seems to be re-usable for additional
renderings. Is there a good reason not to do this?
Thanks in advance
Lars Erik Bryld
> flag.cl:
* Flag animation sample, to render first run:
* cloth -i flag.cl -o flag.inc -r flag.raw -s 10000
* Then uncomment the "read_file" line and run:
* megapov flag.ini
global_settings {
step 0.2
viscosity 0.01
wind 3*y
cloth {
x_size 15
y_size 15
dist 2
hnoise 0.01
vnoise 0.01
shear 2
damping 0.001
position { 14.5*z, 30*y, -29*z }
//read_file "flag.raw"
attach { 0, 0, 14.5*z }
attach { 0, 1, -14.5*z }
> flag.ini
Post_Frame_Command=./cloth -i flag.cl -o flag.inc -s 25 -r flag.raw
> flag.pov
#version unofficial MegaPov 0.6;
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1.0
camera {
location -100*z+25*y
look_at 0//-25*y
angle 40
rotate -90*y
light_source {
<1000, 1000, -1000>
rgb 1
light_source {
<-1000, 1000, -1000>
rgb 0.25
object {
#include "flag.inc"
pigment {
image_map {
png "input.png"
union {
cone { -200*y, 1.5, 20*y, 1 }
sphere { 0, 2 scale <1, 0.5, 1> translate 20*y }
pigment { color rgb 1 }
translate -1.5*z
Med venlig hilsen
Lars Erik Bryld ( larserik @ dadlnet.dk )
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