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I'm racking my brain over this problem :
I'd like to have a function that can give me the color of a pixel in an
image (the equivalent of "eval_pigment") to fill a plane.
I've tried a lot of things but none of them work.
What I would like :
plane {
y, 0
pigment { color imageFunction(x,y,z) }
With the function like that :
#declare imageFunction = function {
pigment {
image_map { jpeg imageName }
rotate -x*90
translate <-0.5, 0, -0.5>
scale <imageWidth, 1, imageHeight>
Of corse, this does not work and i get parse errors but the idea is here.
So can you tell me if this "kind of thing" is possible or not before I
go *crazy* ?
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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Op 28-5-2023 om 16:49 schreef kurtz le pirate:
> Hello,
> I'm racking my brain over this problem :
> I'd like to have a function that can give me the color of a pixel in an
> image (the equivalent of "eval_pigment") to fill a plane.
Why not use eval_pigment? See:
I must have the macro somewhere... I shall send it tomorrow from my
other machine.
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Once again, I'm asking WHY?
Kenneth tried to do this circular process a while back - but if all you're doing
is tiling a plane with an image, then just use an image_map pigment and don't
specify "once".
If you do, however, have some future use for the function version, then you need
to invoke it like this:
plane {
y, 0
pigment { function { imageFunction (x,y,z) } }
eval_pigment is just a macro wrapper for the same kinda thing, which means that
will be an extra layer, and another layer on top of that to un-macro-ify it (if
even possible) for use in the way you want.
- BE
kurtz le pirate <kur### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm racking my brain over this problem :
> I'd like to have a function that can give me the color of a pixel in an
> image (the equivalent of "eval_pigment") to fill a plane.
> I've tried a lot of things but none of them work.
> What I would like :
> plane {
> y, 0
> pigment { color imageFunction(x,y,z) }
> }
> With the function like that :
> #declare imageFunction = function {
> pigment {
> image_map { jpeg imageName }
> rotate -x*90
> translate <-0.5, 0, -0.5>
> scale <imageWidth, 1, imageHeight>
> }
> }
> Of corse, this does not work and i get parse errors but the idea is here.
> So can you tell me if this "kind of thing" is possible or not before I
> go *crazy* ?
> (@﹏@)
> --
> Kurtz le pirate
> Compagnie de la Banquise
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Op 28/05/2023 om 17:22 schreef Thomas de Groot:
> Op 28-5-2023 om 16:49 schreef kurtz le pirate:
>> Hello,
>> I'm racking my brain over this problem :
>> I'd like to have a function that can give me the color of a pixel in an
>> image (the equivalent of "eval_pigment") to fill a plane.
> Why not use eval_pigment? See:
> I must have the macro somewhere... I shall send it tomorrow from my
> other machine.
I don't know if this is what you want to do, but provide an image map
and play with this test scene...
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Download 'eval_pigmenttest_carpet.pov.txt' (5 KB)
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On 28/05/2023 22:06, Bald Eagle wrote:
> Once again, I'm asking WHY?
I didn't describe what I wanted to do very well.
I'll try to be clearer.
a) I recover the color of a point <x,0,z> of a source image.
b) I transform this point into a new point <x1,0,z1>.
c) I give this new point the color taken in a)
In fact, I already have a code that does this, but only with the checker
pattern. Not very sexy !
For the moment the plan is drawn like this :
plane {
pigment { function { fnPigment(x,z) } }
hence my request for a function()
Instead of the checker, the original distorted image.
The "geometric" transformation is the result of applying function.
Two examples with f(z) = z^2 and f(z) = sin(z)/(z+1).
Brighter ?
ps : I'm going to watch "Eval_pigmentTest_carpet.pov". Thanks Thomas
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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Download 'map01_cfunctions_9.png' (21 KB)
Download 'map01_cfunctions_1.png' (33 KB)
Preview of image 'map01_cfunctions_9.png'

Preview of image 'map01_cfunctions_1.png'

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kurtz le pirate <kur### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> On 28/05/2023 22:06, Bald Eagle wrote:
> > Once again, I'm asking WHY?
> apologies...
> I didn't describe what I wanted to do very well.
> I'll try to be clearer.
> a) I recover the color of a point <x,0,z> of a source image.
> b) I transform this point into a new point <x1,0,z1>.
> c) I give this new point the color taken in a)
> In fact, I already have a code that does this, but only with the checker
> pattern. Not very sexy !
Ah, excellent.
This makes much more sense now.
> The "geometric" transformation is the result of applying function.
> Two examples with f(z) = z^2 and f(z) = sin(z)/(z+1).
> Brighter ?
Much better.
Have coded a geometric inversion function? I would be highly interested in
that for use with Clifford tori and such.
Anyway, here's what I think you need to do if you want to modify an image_map
using a function, and still have the full color.
Then all you have to do is modify the function.
#version 3.8;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}
default {finish {diffuse 1}}
// +am3 +a0.01 +ac0.90 +r3
camera {
location <0, 5, -0.01>
right x*image_width/image_height
up y
look_at <0, 0, 0>
light_source {<0, 100, 0> rgb 1.0}
sky_sphere {pigment {rgb 1}}
#declare ImageMap = function {pigment {image_map {png "plasma2.png"} rotate
x*90} }
#declare FullColorTexture =
texture {
pigment {
pigment_map {
function { ImageMap (x, y, z).red }
color_map {
[ 0 red 0 ]
[ 1 red 5 ]
function { ImageMap (x, y, z).green }
color_map {
[ 0 green 0 ]
[ 1 green 5 ]
function { ImageMap (x, y, z).blue }
color_map {
[ 0 blue 0 ]
[ 1 blue 5 ]
function { ImageMap (x, y, z).filter }
color_map {
[ 0 blue 0 ]
[ 1 blue 5 ]
function { ImageMap (x, y, z).transmit }
color_map {
[ 0 blue 0 ]
[ 1 blue 5 ]
} // end pigment map
} // end pigment
} // end layered texture
plane {
y, 0
texture {FullColorTexture }
Hope that works the way you want.
- BW
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Download 'imagemapfunction.pov.dat' (2 KB)
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kurtz le pirate <kur### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> On 28/05/2023 22:06, Bald Eagle wrote:
> > Once again, I'm asking WHY?
> apologies...
> I didn't describe what I wanted to do very well.
> I'll try to be clearer.
> a) I recover the color of a point <x,0,z> of a source image.
> b) I transform this point into a new point <x1,0,z1>.
> c) I give this new point the color taken in a)
> In fact, I already have a code that does this, but only with the checker
> pattern. Not very sexy !
> For the moment the plan is drawn like this :
> plane {
> y,0
> pigment { function { fnPigment(x,z) } }
> }
> hence my request for a function()
> Instead of the checker, the original distorted image.
Hi Kurtz
The code here may be relevant for what you are trying to achieve:
From: Tor Olav Kristensen
Subject: Source code for "Using functions to distort images"
Date: 2006-05-12 18:48:59
Tor Olav
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"Tor Olav Kristensen" <tor### [at] TOBEREMOVEDgmail com> wrote:
> ...
> The code here may be relevant for what you are trying to achieve:
neat, thanks for posting this link.
regards, jr.
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"jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> hi,
> "Tor Olav Kristensen" <tor### [at] TOBEREMOVEDgmail com> wrote:
> > ...
> > The code here may be relevant for what you are trying to achieve:
> neat, thanks for posting this link.
No problem jr. I am glad if I can help with solving someone's problem.
Tor Olav
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Thanks guys. Two leads to explore
and in 2006... i don't think i already knew "functions" !
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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