POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : making a mesh from an image Server Time
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  making a mesh from an image (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Wade
Subject: making a mesh from an image
Date: 6 Sep 2001 11:51:55
Message: <3b979b9b@news.povray.org>
Is it possible to make a mesh from an image or must I model it to make a


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From: Gilles Tran
Subject: Re: making a mesh from an image
Date: 6 Sep 2001 13:52:24
Message: <3B97B858.44A6FD6A@inapg.inra.fr>
Wade wrote:

> Is it possible to make a mesh from an image or must I model it to make a
> mesh?

For complex objects you'd better model them yourself, but for simpler stuff
you may consider photomodeler (http://www.photomodeler.com) The site is down
right now but was still active a few weeks ago. There was Canoma too, but
it's no longer sold since it has been bought by Adobe.


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From: Nekar Xenos
Subject: Re: making a mesh from an image
Date: 7 Sep 2001 11:04:56
Message: <3b98e218@news.povray.org>
"Gilles Tran" <tra### [at] inapginrafr> wrote in message
> Wade wrote:
> > Is it possible to make a mesh from an image or must I model it to make a
> > mesh?
> For complex objects you'd better model them yourself, but for simpler stuff
> you may consider photomodeler (http://www.photomodeler.com) The site is down
> right now but was still active a few weeks ago.

Ooh, this looks nice. Can't wait too install it.  =)

- Nekar

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