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does anyone know how to make a bent cylinder I am trying to make a bent pipe
with different angles in it
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<fir### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
>does anyone know how to make a bent cylinder I am trying to make a bent pipe
>with different angles in it
Chris Colefax' object bender comes to mind. Or if you have MegaPOV,
you can use a sphere sweep. If you don't have it, you can make your
own sphere_sweep by, well, sweeping a sphere along a path by means of
a #while loop.
Peter Popov ICQ : 15002700
Personal e-mail : pet### [at] usa net
TAG e-mail : pet### [at] tag povray org
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>does anyone know how to make a bent cylinder I am trying to make a bent
>with different angles in it
Peter Popov <pet### [at] usa net> replied:
> Chris Colefax' object bender comes to mind. Or if you have MegaPOV,
> you can use a sphere sweep. If you don't have it, you can make your
> own sphere_sweep by, well, sweeping a sphere along a path by means of
> a #while loop.
My Object Bender (http://www.geocities.com/ccolefax) does seem to be an
obvious choice, and for certain projects it offers a quick (to use)
solution. In general, though, it's far from the most efficient method of
creating curved objects - sphere_sweeps seem to fit that bill best if you
have MegaPOV and want extrusions with a circular cross-section.
For more options, you may want to look at my Spline Macro System
(http://www.geocities.com/ccolefax/spline), which lets you declare a spline
path in a variety of ways, and then lets you create objects based on this,
including pipes, coils, linked chains, blobs, and more...
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I dont have megapov so can you give me an example of a sphere_sweep in a
#while loop please
> does anyone know how to make a bent cylinder I am trying to make a bent
> with different angles in it
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or you can use sections of cylinders, spheres and torii.
> I dont have megapov so can you give me an example of a sphere_sweep in a
> #while loop please
> news:39c3ff60@news.povray.org...
> > does anyone know how to make a bent cylinder I am trying to make a bent
> pipe
> > with different angles in it
> >
> >
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> does anyone know how to make a bent cylinder I am trying to make a bent pipe
> with different angles in it
I have posted a image to povray.binaries.images:
Is it the kind of pipes that are in this image that you need ?
If so then I can post the source code if you are interested.
(Some time ago I made some macro that make such pipes.)
Tor Olav
mailto:tor### [at] hotmail com
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yeah there are kinda what I am looking for but I am really looking for a
water or steam pipe but those will do nicely
> does anyone know how to make a bent cylinder I am trying to make a bent
> with different angles in it
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> yeah there are kinda what I am looking for but I am really looking for a
> water or steam pipe but those will do nicely
Have you seen Giles Tran's pipe macros? They're in
under sources. Very nice stuff if what you want is water/stem pipes.
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On Sat, 16 Sep 2000 22:19:41 -0700, ryan constantine wrote:
>or you can use sections of cylinders, spheres and torii.
As seen in my torus spline macro, available at the URL below.
Ron Parker http://www2.fwi.com/~parkerr/traces.html
My opinions. Mine. Not anyone else's.
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yep, that's what i was thinking of.
Ron Parker wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Sep 2000 22:19:41 -0700, ryan constantine wrote:
> >or you can use sections of cylinders, spheres and torii.
> As seen in my torus spline macro, available at the URL below.
> --
> Ron Parker http://www2.fwi.com/~parkerr/traces.html
> My opinions. Mine. Not anyone else's.
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