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I'd like to thank everyone for their help and concern! I'd also like to
thank those of you who pointed out the no-no's of newsgroups! :) So
onto the question.
What exactly is anti-aliasing and what does it do for you rendered
Any and all help would be appreciated!
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>"ErI" <fre### [at] fuse net> wrote in message
>I'd like to thank everyone for their help and concern! I'd also like to
thank those of you who pointed out >the no-no's of newsgroups! :) So onto
the question.
>What exactly is anti-aliasing and what does it do for you rendered scene?
>Any and all help would be appreciated!
Use plain text instead of HTML in future postings, please.
As for anti-aliasing, this is copied directly from the POV-Ray help:
The ray-tracing process is in effect a discrete, digital sampling of the
image with typically one sample per pixel. Such sampling can introduce a
variety of errors. This includes a jagged, stair-step appearance in sloping
interference and lost detail or missing objects, which are so small they
reside between adjacent pixels. The effect that is responsible for those
errors is called aliasing.
Anti-aliasing is any technique used to help eliminate such errors or to
reduce the negative impact they have on the image. In general, anti-aliasing
makes the ray-traced image look smoother. The Antialias=on option or +A
switch turns on POV-Ray's anti-aliasing system.
Hint: The help file is full of interesting stuff like this!
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Robert Chaffe <a0003738@airmail.net> wrote:
: Hint: The help file is full of interesting stuff like this!
Does this mean "RTFM" in plain english? ;)
):5;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/
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Ed, anti-aliasing removes the jagged look from a computer-generated
image. Because computer graphics are composed of square-shaped pixels,
they sometimes have a jagged, stair-step look, and anti-aliasing smooths
this out. Render one of the sample images in POV with anti-aliasing
off, and then render it again with aa on, and you will see the
-Doug Eichenberg
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"Warp" <war### [at] tag povray org> wrote in message
> Robert Chaffe <a0003738@airmail.net> wrote:
> : Hint: The help file is full of interesting stuff like this!
> Does this mean "RTFM" in plain english? ;)
Yeah. I thought of using that, but it seemed a bit severe for
the newusers group.
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On Sun, 11 Jun 2000 12:46:46 -0400 "Doug Eichenberg" <dou### [at] nls net>
>Ed, anti-aliasing removes the jagged look from a computer-generated
>image. Because computer graphics are composed of square-shaped pixels,
>they sometimes have a jagged, stair-step look, and anti-aliasing smooths
>this out. Render one of the sample images in POV with anti-aliasing
>off, and then render it again with aa on, and you will see the
Good explanation, Doug. For Ed's benefit, anti-aliasing is discussed
in section "Anti-Aliasing Options" of the POV-Ray documentation.
Doug, you can post in plain text. Eliminating the redundant HTML of
your post helps us conserve server space over the long haul, thanks.
Alan - ako### [at] povray org - a k o n g <at> p o v r a y <dot> o r g
http://www.povray.org - Home of the Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
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> Good explanation, Doug.
Thank you.
> Doug, you can post in plain text. Eliminating the redundant HTML of
> your post helps us conserve server space over the long haul, thanks.
Actually, I did post in plain text, didn't I? Check out the headers... it's
listed as plain text.
-Doug Eichenberg
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On second thought, I went back and noticed that message had two parts, and
the second one was html. Don't know why it did that; I have outlook set for
plain text, so that shouldn't be happening. Sorry about that.
-Doug Eichenberg
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From: Marc-Hendrik Bremer
Subject: Re: Thanks and more Question! :)
Date: 11 Jun 2000 14:42:35
Message: <3943dd9b@news.povray.org>
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Perhaps you have set "use same format as original when sending" (rough
translation of my German text)? Since Erl posted in HTML, that would cause
you to send so too.
Doug Eichenberg schrieb in Nachricht <3943d002$1@news.povray.org>...
>On second thought, I went back and noticed that message had two parts, and
>the second one was html. Don't know why it did that; I have outlook set
>plain text, so that shouldn't be happening. Sorry about that.
>-Doug Eichenberg
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> Perhaps you have set "use same format as original when sending" (rough
> translation of my German text)? Since Erl posted in HTML, that would cause
> you to send so too.
> Marc-Hendrik
That's it exactly. I went to the tools menu, selected 'options' and chose
the 'send' tab, and there's a check box labeled 'reply to messages using the
same format in which they were sent.' Thanks.
-Doug Eichenberg
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