POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : import Server Time
21 Feb 2025 13:15:26 EST (-0500)
  import (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Vincent Kazimir
Subject: import
Date: 10 Jun 2000 12:31:59
Message: <39426d7f@news.povray.org>

i m looking for an utilitie that can import in povray iges or different 3D
formats in povray


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From: Bob Hughes
Subject: Re: import
Date: 10 Jun 2000 14:44:31
Message: <39428c8f@news.povray.org>
Doug Eichenburg had just mentioned using PolyTrans to someone at the p.b.i.
group.  There is a demo available but I haven't any idea as to the IGES
functionality (it does have it listed as one of the formats however).  It's
at: http://www.okino.com/   and can export POV as well as having many
import/export types.


"Vincent Kazimir" <vko### [at] agsnet> wrote in message
| i m looking for an utilitie that can import in povray iges or different 3D
| formats in povray

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