Perhaps it's a silly (or well known) question.
I wanted to wrap an imagemap around a cylinder and rotate the cylinder like
a "worldglobe" in an animation.
Well, as I understand now it works fine for about +/- 45 degrees - but then
I see the "side" and the "backside" of the imagemap.
I tried to translate the Map, but that seemed not to work. I thought of
translating the Cylinder but feeled that could not be the elegant way (if it
works at all).
Can someone give me a hint, please?
Thanks in advance,
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Sorry, sorry, sorry!!!
Just found the FAQ at http://members.xoom.com/yang4yang/pov/imap1.html (and
should have had a look in the doc's).
Thanks anyway,
Marc-Hendrik Bremer schrieb in Nachricht <38e3c13b$1@news.povray.org>...
>Perhaps it's a silly (or well known) question.
>I wanted to wrap an imagemap around a cylinder and rotate the cylinder like
>a "worldglobe" in an animation.
>Well, as I understand now it works fine for about +/- 45 degrees - but then
>I see the "side" and the "backside" of the imagemap.
>I tried to translate the Map, but that seemed not to work. I thought of
>translating the Cylinder but feeled that could not be the elegant way (if
>works at all).
>Can someone give me a hint, please?
>Thanks in advance,
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