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For the "gif" format, the image_map feature "transmit/filter all 1.0"
seems to work as expected. But for "png", "tga", and "bmp" formats such
is not the case. Is there a bug in the "transmit/filter" feature for
"png", "tga", and "bmp" or is there something I'm missing.
I'd really prefer to use a format other than "gif" that supports a
greater number of colors.
- Jerome
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Jerome Waters wrote:
> For the "gif" format, the image_map feature "transmit/filter all 1.0"
> seems to work as expected. But for "png", "tga", and "bmp" formats such
> is not the case. Is there a bug in the "transmit/filter" feature for
> "png", "tga", and "bmp" or is there something I'm missing.
> I'd really prefer to use a format other than "gif" that supports a
> greater number of colors.
> - Jerome
It is not a bug. The filter and transmit all only works on images that have
an 8 bit 256 color palette. I think you can save your .bmp, tga or whatever
in 8 bit 256 colors and use those image formats but you lose the color depth
you are looking for.
Ken Tyler - 1200+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/
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Ken wrote:
> It is not a bug. The filter and transmit all only works on images that have
> an 8 bit 256 color palette. I think you can save your .bmp, tga or whatever
> in 8 bit 256 colors and use those image formats but you lose the color depth
> you are looking for.
Oh well, thanks Ken.
- Jerome
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.png files can use an alpha channel as well, so you can control the
transparency with a graphic editor that doesn't relate to the main image.
Jerome Waters wrote:
> For the "gif" format, the image_map feature "transmit/filter all 1.0"
> seems to work as expected. But for "png", "tga", and "bmp" formats such
> is not the case. Is there a bug in the "transmit/filter" feature for
> "png", "tga", and "bmp" or is there something I'm missing.
> I'd really prefer to use a format other than "gif" that supports a
> greater number of colors.
> - Jerome
Josh English
eng### [at] spiritone com
ICQ: 1946299
"Stress is when you wake up screaming and realize you haven't fallen asleep
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