POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : modeling programs Server Time
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  modeling programs (Message 21 to 24 of 24)  
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From: Peter Popov
Subject: Re: modeling programs
Date: 15 Jan 2000 03:54:24
Message: <ujSAOKKaJekf7h8veg=aPQNEZcWs@4ax.com>
On Fri, 14 Jan 2000 21:51:40 -0500, John VanSickle
<van### [at] erolscom> wrote:

>Furthermore, none of the shareware or freeware modellers have a mesh editor
>(which is why I wrote one in *BASIC* of all things).

What I don't like about modellers is the RHC they use. I haven't tried
Moray lately (maybe I should if I am to use a modeller at all) but I
don't think I'll use it if it's still RHC.

Peter Popov
pet### [at] usanet
ICQ: 15002700

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From: Ken
Subject: Re: modeling programs
Date: 15 Jan 2000 03:56:13
Message: <38803627.5B38812C@pacbell.net>
Peter Popov wrote:

> Moray lately (maybe I should if I am to use a modeller at all) but I
> don't think I'll use it if it's still RHC.

It still is.

Ken Tyler -  1300+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/

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From: John VanSickle
Subject: Re: modeling programs
Date: 15 Jan 2000 12:21:49
Message: <3880AE7B.54CEDB21@erols.com>
Ken wrote:
> Peter Popov wrote:
> > Moray lately (maybe I should if I am to use a modeller at all) but I
> > don't think I'll use it if it's still RHC.
> It still is.

I recall from sometime in the past that Lutz tried enhancing the
program to allow the user to select RHC or LHC, but he couldn't get
all of the bugs worked out of it.

ICQ: 46085459

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From: Psychomek
Subject: Re: modeling programs
Date: 30 Jan 2000 05:41:10
Message: <389416D9.3EE0E7F2@cyberhighway.net>
Cameron Cooper wrote:

> Hey, I'm fairly new to this stuff ( this stuff being raytracing, modelling,
> ect ) I've read so many times that its better to learn the pov-ray code
> before you start using modellers...I've read what I could understand of the
> Pov-ray documentation, but in it there seems ( to me anyway ) that there is
> a gap between the basics ( basic shapes, cameras, lights that sort of
> stuff ) and  more advanced ( for a begginer anyway :) shapes
>  patches,blobs, ect ) im sure all this will come clear to me with time and
> practice, luckily time is all i seem to have....one upside to being a bum :)
> Anyway I've learned some of the basic code, then i downloaded spatch, moray,
> and an export from spatch to moray and have been able to make some pretty
> cool stuff ( compared to red sphere on a checker plane i started off with :)
> At this point with the modellers it seems like "re-inventing the wheel"
> learning all the pov code....for me "this point" is fairly basic...once it
> gets more advanced is there heaps you can do with the pov code that a
> modeller cant do?
> sorry about the "longness" of this :)
> thanks
> Cameron

IMHO It is better to learn the code first that way when you do start with
modellers you can tweak the code when you export it to povray. (examples
Photons, blur  dispersion....  just to name a few) Unfortunately I started with
Povlab then worked my way to moray when i found it.   but i can't look at a
screen full of text for very long....  due to my eye condition (double
vision.... Hmmmm there's an idea)

just mho....


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