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Hi, I'm a new user. I've just finished the POV-Ray tutorials. I'm a little
confused about this news server. Is there anything to help new users get
oriented with it? I'd like to be able to get feedback on my images and talk
with other new users. I have my first two images on my web page at
Joe Hagedorn
jha### [at] excite com
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Joe Hagedorn wrote:
> Hi, I'm a new user. I've just finished the POV-Ray tutorials. I'm a little
> confused about this news server. Is there anything to help new users get
> oriented with it? I'd like to be able to get feedback on my images and talk
> with other new users. I have my first two images on my web page at
> http://members.xoom.com/jhage/pov/pov.html
> Thanks,
> Joe Hagedorn
> jha### [at] excite com
Welcome aboard !
Hi I am Ken Tyler, try not to hold it against me.
We encourage all new visitors to read everything in the announcements group
on this server. It details posting guidelines, how to post bug reports, you
will find links online tutorials, general announcements related to new version
releases, and anything else we can think of throwing in there that may help
you use these groups better and find resources related to using POV-Ray.
If you want opinions on an image you are working on we have a binaries
image group where you can post an image and allow for critique and
suggestions from other users.
We also have a binaries scene files group and a text scene files group.
These are for sharing your source with other people if you choose to do
so. Attachments should go into the binaries groups, and a text cut/paste
into the message body should go into the text scene files group.
The programming group is for talking about the programming issues involved
with the program and is not for general scene language discussions. These
should be taken to this group when you are new and once your skills advanced
they can be moved to the advanced users group.
The general group is a ketch all group where you may announce your own web
site for example or maybe post a URL to a resource that you think others
might be interested in. If you cannot think of an appropriate group to ask a
question then .general is a good place to start.
We also have animation groups both text for discussion on techniques and
binaries for posting examples of your animation's for critique by others.
There is also an unofficial patches group where discussions on using other
peoples modified version of POV-Ray are held.
Then there is the off topic group. There you may find discussions on just
about anything you can imagine. We have become a very friendly community
and are likely to drift in our conversations from time to time. When that
happens we move on over to the off topic group and let it go where it may.
Messages posted in that group expire in a weeks time so they don't take up
too much space on this server.
Especially useful for both new users and new visitors is a FAQ many of
us have contributed to called the VFAQ. You will find almost all of the
stupid questions you might think to ask answered there and it is a valuable
resource even for some of the more advanced users.
If you want goodies to use with making scenes or objects with then visit
my links pages or the links page at povray.org that I maintain. There is
no online resource anywhere that has as many goodies listed as my links
pages do and there is enough free stuff out there you can probably fill
most of your hard drive if you try hard enough.
If I missed anything let me know and I will see what I can do to fill
in the blanks.
Ken Tyler - 1200+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/
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On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 16:09:41 -0800, Ken wrote:
>Welcome aboard !
>sniff!< That was so moving! I hope you saved it for future visitors.
It was both well-written and informative.
These are my opinions. I do NOT speak for the POV-Team.
The superpatch: http://www2.fwi.com/~parkerr/superpatch/
My other stuff: http://www2.fwi.com/~parkerr/traces.html
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Ron Parker wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 16:09:41 -0800, Ken wrote:
> >Welcome aboard !
> >sniff!< That was so moving! I hope you saved it for future visitors.
> It was both well-written and informative.
And insulting: <Quote> You will find almost all of the
stupid questions you might think to ask answered there
This was the bit where he talked about the VFAQ, I can't
believe you'd say that to a newuser. Couldn't stop
Steve email mailto:sjl### [at] ndirect co uk
%HAV-A-NICEDAY Error not enough coffee 0 pps.
web http://www.ndirect.co.uk/~sjlen/
or http://start.at/zero-pps
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>This was the bit where he talked about the VFAQ, I can't
>believe you'd say that to a newuser. Couldn't stop
Well, everybody's first questions are stupid, in comparison to intermediate
or advanced users questions. More than stupid, they're so frequent that
they're redundant and annoying. I know mine were. =)
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Ron Parker wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 16:09:41 -0800, Ken wrote:
> >Welcome aboard !
> >sniff!< That was so moving! I hope you saved it for future visitors.
> It was both well-written and informative.
Thanks. If I get the time maybe I will polish it up a might and post it
as a welcome message in the announcement group.
Do you think this would be useful ?
Ken Tyler - 1200+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/
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On Thu, 18 Nov 1999 11:40:30 -0800, Ken <tyl### [at] pacbell net> wrote:
>> >sniff!< That was so moving! I hope you saved it for future visitors.
>> It was both well-written and informative.
>Thanks. If I get the time maybe I will polish it up a might and post it
>as a welcome message in the announcement group.
>Do you think this would be useful ?
I can't speak for others, but to me, it looks like a very good welcome
message. Where is the news.povray.org welcome rug?
Peter Popov
ICQ: 15002700
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Ken wrote:
>Thanks. If I get the time maybe I will polish it up a might
>and post it as a welcome message in the announcement group.
>Do you think this would be useful ?
Yes, maybe even better mail it to every new user directly. I'll
post something that has been send to me a while ago in p.o-t.
Photography: http://members.home.nl/ingoogni/
Pov-Ray : http://members.home.nl/seed7/
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Dear Ken and Folks,
Ken wrote:
> If I get the time maybe I will polish it up a might and post it
> as a welcome message in the announcement group.
> Do you think this would be useful ?
Yes, yes, yes!
BTW: your Alcove image posted to .scenes is excellent
Michael Brendan Hurley
mbh### [at] saber net
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Ken wrote:
> Ron Parker wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 16:09:41 -0800, Ken wrote:
> > >Welcome aboard !
> >
> > >sniff!< That was so moving! I hope you saved it for future visitors.
> > It was both well-written and informative.
> Thanks. If I get the time maybe I will polish it up a might and post it
> as a welcome message in the announcement group.
> Do you think this would be useful ?
> --
> Ken Tyler - 1200+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
> http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/
Steve email mailto:sjl### [at] ndirect co uk
%HAV-A-NICEDAY Error not enough coffee 0 pps.
web http://www.ndirect.co.uk/~sjlen/
or http://start.at/zero-pps
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